April 14, 2023

Preschool has been a busy place to be this week! We’ve had an excellent time playing with new toys, enjoying amazing spring weather, and growing our love of reading with new books at our Book Blast celebration. We’ve been taking the classroom outside given spring is such a terrific time to watch our littlest learners explore and investigate the world around them as nature blooms and blossoms. We’ve enjoyed snack time on the playground and we’ve been chased by lots of bubbles, too! Go Tigers!


1st grade
Our student led conferences were amazing today. I am so proud of the first graders and how well they shared their work and learning. Thank you to all of the families that attended. I know the kids were looking forward to sharing all that they have learned. Our class is full of wonderful kids!!!

2nd grade
nd Graders have been working on making connections (text to self, text to text, and text to the world) in Reading this week. Our mentor text is “Catching the Moon”, a true story about a girl, Toni Stone, who became a professional baseball player. In math, we have been working on capacity (gallons, quarts, pints, and cups). We are learning all about conversions in capacity. We have also been talking about Literal and Nonliteral (Figurative) language and have talked about some great phrases that relate to this concept. We had an AMAZING time on our field trip to Wonder Lab last week! The kids had so much fun exploring all things science! On Monday, we celebrated Book Blast as we all opened our books! What a great time to see all the joy and excitement on everyone’s faces as they unwrapped their books! We have also all completed our portfolio sharing. It was great to get the students to sit and conference with their family, friends, or trusted adult. The student ownership aspect made them really excited and they took pride in their work and what they shared.

3rd grade
This week third graders worked on finishing their portfolios for their student- led conferences. They picked a word to describe themselves and then designed a poster. This was the back cover of their binder.
They also were recorded presenting their career presentations and this was turned into an iMovie that was shared at their conference.

4th grade
Mrs. Joy’s 4th Grade class had an awesome day sharing portfolios with their families. We spent a lot of time organizing work and reflecting on how much we’ve grown this year! It was fun to look at handwriting from the beginning of the year until now.
We also loved sharing our RIASEC codes with ourfamilies. We shared careers that would be a good fit for us. And, we shared our Park Naturalist presentations.
What a great week!

5th grade
On Thursday, the fifth graders finally made the trip to Biztown! We have spent the last two months learning about personal finance and free enterprise, as well as interview and job skills. In March, students interviewed for their preferred job. Once they received their job placement, they worked with their business groups to design logos and advertisements, and even figure business costs. They put all of these lessons into practice on Thursday when they worked with their groups to successfully run their businesses. They also had their own checking accounts, checkbooks, and debit cards which they used to make purchases throughout the day. We had an amazing time, and the kids truly shined!

Scientist of the Week: Damon Robison

This week in science, fourth and fifth graders participated in an egg drop STEM challenge. The classes were partnered based on opposite RIASEC codes. Students used the engineering design process for a framework to design a contraption to protect an egg from a fall. Criteria and constraints for this challenge included a specific build time, materials, and a drop of six feet. This challenge required students to use critical thinking and problem solving skills while collaborating with a partner. These kids came up with some amazing designs!

PE with Mrs. Doss
We had so much fun in PE this week! We took advantage of the amazing weather and got outside for some kickball! Kindergarten worked on calming their bodies with some yoga in the gym. And all the grades got to be silly monkeys in a game of zookeeper!

World of Work
5th grade students went to Junior Achievement’s BizTown this week. They have been studying and working hard on a variety of jobs. This week was the culminating activity where the students RAN the TOWN! They were absolutely amazing!!!!