April 21, 2023
Kona Icee Day!!!

We LOVED having our families at school with us on Friday for our Student-Led Conferences!
Check out the photos from this special family event!
We also enjoyed the warm weather and snow cones with our friends!
In OG,
- We are learning about the digraph sh.
- We are learning how to blend and segment words with the digraph sh.
- We are reading, spelling and writing words with the digraph sh.
- We are learning the red words: red, blue, black, purple, pink, gray, green, yellow, white, brown, and orange.
In Math,
- We are learning to subtract.
- We are subtracting 0, 1, and 2.
- We are taking math fact timed tests.
- We are telling and solving math story problems.
In Writing,
- We celebrated the end of our writing unit.
In Reading,
- We celebrated the end of our reading unit.

1st grade
We loved our Kona Ice!!!

2nd grade
This week in 2nd grade we have been focusing on the structure of a story and reading our mentor text, “Miss Rumphius.” Students have been learning about prefixes of words and understanding what the base word is prior to a prefix being added and how it changes the meaning of the word. In math we have been working with 2D and 3D shapes. We have done many activities to build our skills. We got to enjoy some yummy treats when Kona Ice came to visit our school on Thursday. 2nd graders sure did enjoy this!

3rd grade
Third graders worked very hard on ILEARN testing this week. They preserved, stayed motivated, and did their best! We also had every student reach their weekly Mindplay goal, so we celebrated with popsicles.

4th grade
Mrs. Middleton’s 4th grade enjoyed Kona Ice on Thursday to help those affected by the recent tornadoes in Sullivan!

Mrs. Joy’s 4th grade wrote a class story this week to review how to write a solid narrative. Each small group was assigned a scene to develop, and then we put all the scenes together. It was amazing how the story flowed once together. And, we had some pretty good laughs. It was a great way to review.

5th grade
his week, our fabulous fifth graders rocked the ELA ILEARN test! We will continue next week with the math and social studies assessments. We are also looking forward to our next big project – the wax museum! Students will select a famous American and create a presentation and biography over that person. Then, on May 17 at 6 pm, we will host a “Night at the Wax Museum” where they will present their research dressed as their famous American! We are also so grateful to all of our 5th grade families and the Helmsburg PTO for making sure that all of our students could enjoy Kona Ice on Thursday! It was a wonderful chance to enjoy a cool treat on a warm day!

Scientist of the Week: Juniper McCabe

This week in science, first grade students learned how they could find the North Star in the night sky. After learning which direction north, south, east, and west is in our classroom, we took advantage of the beautiful day and went outside. Each student got their own compass to use and learned how to use it to find which direction they were facing. They did such a great job and had so much fun!

Speech with Mrs. Williams
Preschoolers are getting ready for kindergarten! They are amazing at story retelling! They have learned so much in preschool!

Art with Mrs. Schwenk
This week in art we have been using oil pastels. Students have drawn tulips. They have been learning to blend colors using oil pastels.

World of Work
First graders had fun with our Junior Achievement lessons this week. We’ve learn about our families, our neighborhoods, and the businesses in them. We had fun doing our sticker book of people in the community and filling in information about ourselves. We made several connections to Beable and our RIASEC codes.