April 28, 2023
Preschool has been a busy place this week! We’ve had an excellent time enjoying spring weather although jackets were required a few mornings. We’ve been talking all things seeds and gardens and bees as spring continues to flourish all around us. In fact, we’re trying grow beans that we put in our sensory bin to play with at the beginning of the school year. Who knows what will happen?! It was fun to watch the kids set up a clinic with our new doctor kit and take care of all of the babies we have. Everyone agrees that Dr. Charleigh is the best Pediatrician at HES! We’ve enjoyed snack time on the playground and we’ve been chased by lots of bubbles, too! Go Tigers!

In Social Studies, we began our Kindergarten Junior Achievement lessons.
- We identified personal interests.
- We considered the factors that determine personal choices.
- We defined money.
In OG,
- We are learning about the digraph th.
- We are learning how to blend and segment words with the digraph th.
- We are reading, spelling and writing words with the digraph th (like in feather).
- We are learning the red words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
In Writing,
- We are studying nonfiction books written by nonfiction authors.
In Reading,
- We are learning the features of nonfiction books.

1st grade
This week in first grade, we started our character book clubs. We chose a series to read at our independent reading level and explored our main characters. We learned how to create a character sketch and talked about our characters with our reading partners. In math, we began our unit on adding 2 digit numbers to 100. We used place value blocks and the standard algorithm to solve the problems. In our Junior Achievement, we explored some of our economics terms like needs, wants, and money. The best part of our week was going to The Children’s Museum. It was an amazing trip, and the students were fantastic!!!!

2nd grade
What a GREAT week the 2nd graders have had! We read the book “Salt in His Shoes” in reading about Michael Jordan – the kids LOVED learning about him! The book was written by Michael Jordan’s mom, Delores, and we learned the moral of never giving up on a dream. We listened to the story with our sounds effect app and played Blooket to answer comprehension questions about the story. In MATH we were focusing on graphs and graphing this week! We did many fun activities to create our own graphs, played Blooket with graphing and used IXL to work on these skills. 2nd graders would probably say the best part of graphing was getting to make graphs using M&Ms and Skittles – which of course they got to enjoy when finished! We have been working on Suffixes in GRAMMAR and it’s great to see kids as they are reading or doing other things to find words with suffixes as they are working!

3rd grade
Third Graders have had a very busy week! In reading we are reading adapted fairy tales of Cinderella. We will be using these stories to help us create our own version of the Cinderella story.
We also got our final update of our cow, Darcy! She’s now 6 months old and weighs 390 pounds!!! Her mom is about to have another baby, so Darcy will be a big sister! We have enjoyed getting updates about Darcy and learning all about life on a dairy farm.

4th grade
Mrs. Joy’s 4th Grade has been busy this week taking the iLearn test, but we did squeeze in some other fun things.
We played a Blooket to review capitalization skills. We played Gold Rush on Blooket, and the kids loved swapping or stealing gold as they answered questions.
We had an extra recess on Wednesday when the weather was gorgeous. We enjoyed being outside in the fresh air.
Our park naturalist presentations are almost ready to present. We enjoyed having time this week to put finishing touches on our posters and Google slide presentations.
Brushing up on critical standards was also an important part of our week. We tried to make it fun by working with partners.
It’s been a great week!

This week in Mrs. Middleton’s 4th grade, we are learning about polygons and lines of symmetry. Students solved polygon riddles using examples they classified and labeled. In another center during math class they made designs using pattern blocks that had at least one line of symmetry. We love math centers for practicing new concepts!

5th grade
Today, we want to highlight all that our students are accomplishing in their fabulous specials! In Music, students are learning the notes A and C on their recorders and learning about tempo. In Art, students are drawing seahorses. In Science, students are learning about pollution and endangered species, and researching ways scientists are trying to solve these important issues.
In class, our fifth graders are working hard on their famous American biographies. We are celebrating the end of our ILearn testing today!

Scientist of the Week: Ruby Love

This week in science, first grade students learned how to identify patterns that show how young plants are similar to their parent plants. Students observed three seedlings and three adult plants and used their observations to match each seedling to its adult plant. Students then went outside and used what they learned to identify other plant’s characteristics.
n Kindergarten, students discovered how an old log in someone’s yard can be very beneficial to animals. The students learned what they could put in their own yards or gardens to attract animals.