May 12, 2023
Fun Friday has become such a tradition for us. I know I’m going to miss it, and these amazing kiddos, this summer. So we’re soaking up every bit of fun we can have between now and the end of school!

We have been doing report card testing and we started the CogAT test this week.
In OG,
- We are learning about the digraph wh.
- We are learning how to blend and segment words with the digraph wh.
- We are reading, spelling and writing words with the digraph wh (like in whistle).
- We are learning the red words: who, what, where, why
In Math,
- We are creating and solving addition and subtraction story problems.
In Writing,
- We are writing nonfiction books about dogs and cats.
In Reading,
- We are learning the features of nonfiction books.
- We are locating the features of nonfiction books.

1st grade
Mrs. Garman’s class took advantage of the nice weather to work on their realistic fiction writing outside!

First graders have been very busy this week learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour. We’ve learned how to write the time and how to draw the hands on the clock to show the time. We have also learned how to count dimes, nickels, and pennies. In writing, we are drafting realistic fiction stories. Writers are working with a partner to create characters that have to solve realistic problems. We are working on using dialogue, actions, and thoughts to make our writing more elaborative. This week, we finished our Junior Achievement program. It was a great program that helped us learn a lot about our families, our communities, and how economics works with them.

2nd grade
This week in 2nd grade we have been working on nonfiction text features within our books. Our mentor text this week is “Sharks”. We have been working on Arrays/Multiplication in Math and are doing a grammar review. 2nd graders are loving getting to find out what the next surprise will be when they pop the ballon for each day! It has been a fun week of glow sticks, water balloons, water day, paper airplane flying contests, and mustaches, and so much more! We are approaching the end of the year, so lots of final testing and looking at how much we have grown and how far we have come.

3rd grade
Field trip to the Brown County State Park and the Abe Martin Lodge!

4th grade
4th Grade had an awesome field trip to Bluespring Caverns in Bedford. They gem mined, and rode a boat on an underground river. From the safety of the boat, they explored an amazing cave. At one point in the cave, all the lights went out, and the kids experienced a complete blackout. There were mixed reviews. Lol The weather was perfect. Our chaperones were phenomenal. It was a great, great day.

5th grade
This week has been full of fun in fifth grade! On Tuesday, we visited Brown County Middle School. The students enjoyed meeting the BCMS Junior National Honor Society members and receiving tours from them. They are getting very excited for this next chapter of their lives! On Wednesday, we visited Rascal’s Fun Zone and had a blast! The go-karts were a hit! The rest of the week was spent preparing for our Night at the Wax Museum. The fifth graders are still hard at work researching and writing biographies over their famous Americans. They will get into character and share these presentations this coming Wednesday, May 17 at 6 pm!

Scientist of the Week: Cade Parman

In science this week, everyone received seed kits courtesy of Hilltop Garden and Nature Center. They very generously donated 240 kits so every student, K-5, could plant a garden. Our kindergarten students even got some extra help planting from our fifth graders!

Speech with Mrs. Williams
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!