May 19, 2023
Preschool had so much fun watching the big fifth graders pretend to be famous people at the 5th grade wax museum. We learned that Peyton Manning is very generous and Buzz Aldrin is very brave!

Zoo trip!!!

1st grade
First graders made several creations that fly. We watched videos about how planes fly and learned about thrust, lift, drag, and weight. When we fly them later today, kids will experiment with the amount of weight they put on their contraptions with large and little paper clips.

2nd grade
Second grade has been in review mode this week. We are reviewing all of the big concepts we have learned this year in math and reading. We are playing review games, taking end-of-the-year assessments, and really using those skills. We have played Jeopardy, bingo, and Blooket to review and it’s been great. We are also counting down the last days with balloons, which has been a blast! We will continue working on our final writing pieces, have fun, and finish the year strong. The memory books that we are making in class are really summing up all of the fun things we learned, did, and remember from this amazing school year.

3rd grade
Third grade had a wonderful time on our field trip to the Brown County State Park. We learned all about the careers and resources available in the park. We went on a nature hike to explore the great outdoors. We finished up our day at the water park in the lodge. We had a great time and the weather was beautiful!!!!

4th grade
Mrs. Joy’s class has been busy connecting with other 4th Grade classes all across the United States. We connected with California all the way to New York. We even connected with a fully virtual 4th Grade class in North Carolina.
When we connect with these classes, neither class knows which state the other is from. We use maps to ask yes or no questions until we figure it out. We have been having so much fun!
We have also had extra free time since the end of testing. On their own, the students have turned our room into quite the adventure land. We have a game store and a fully functioning library now. They are creating advertisements, signs, and even writing checks to pay each other. This was done all on their own. How cool to see the learning coming from play.
What a great week we’ve had!

5th grade
The BC Soil & Conservation Program hosted our 5th graders a science field day. They taught us so many fun things about nature!

5th graders also held a Wax Museum this week! They were amazing!!

Scientist of the Week: Linda Gobert

This week in science fourth and fifth grade got out the Vex Robotic Kits and started working with them. They’ve had so much fun figuring out how the pieces go together, understanding how the controls work for the “robot brain”, and following instructions of possible designs. These kits give the students a challenging STEM experience and encourage so many creative building opportunities!

Speech with Mrs. Williams
My stomach is growling! To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we read two really cool books! The students gave four thumbs for ramen! (Not everyone has tried bao.) I only wished that I had brought some to eat!!!!