August 18, 2023
Welcome Back Eagles!
We are so happy to have our students back in school! We’ve been working hard and playing hard!
Gym G.I.A.N.T.
Wrenn Drake won the Gym G.I.A.N.T. Award for good sportsmanship this week in P.E. Way to go!!

First Field Trip of the Year!
Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade students took a trip to the Nashville Methodist Church on Thursday!

3rd Grade
Third-grade students worked in partners reading words playing a game and solving a math puzzle.

The 3rd-grade fossil dig was a success!
These students know all about extinct animal traits and can identify what type of habitat they lived in…just from those traits!

Super Scientist!
This week’s Super Scientist is Eli!! Eli is an incredible leader and has OUTSTANDING behavior in science! Way to go, Eli!

Kindergarten is off to a great start! We are busy learning our classroom routines and procedures and having fun at the same time. Both classes have already earned a brownie point celebration due to great behavior! 🙂

4th Grade
In 4th grade, we played a team-building game! Students had an unknown colored dot on their heads and had to get into the same colored group without talking. Students strategized and worked together to figure out what group they belonged in.