September 15, 2023
Sprunica Walkathon Kicks Off!
We kicked off our annual Sprunica Walk-a-thon on Monday! We are asking each student to find sponsors to support them as they walk in the walk-a-thon/costume parade. The commitment of each sponsor is that they would be willing to make a flat donation of money to SES. This is not a per-lap activity. The money collected is due on Monday, September 25, 2023. This is the ONLY school sponsored fundraiser of the year. 100% of the money collected goes for our students and school!
We raised $13,100 last year! How much do you think we can raise this year?
Who will be the top prize winner?
The race is on!!

Gym G.I.A.N.T.
Hunter Southworth won the Gym G.I.A.N.T. Award for good sportsmanship this week in P.E. Way to go!!

1st Grade Visitor
Ken Keller came to speak with the 1st grade about his experiences fishing in Canada. He discussed jobs related to fishing- even including taxidermy- and skills needed for these jobs. He related these experiences to Science and the World of Work!

Super Scientist!
This week’s super scientist is Bexley Higgins! Bexley always tries her very best and thinks like a scientist!

2nd Grade Scientists!
Second grade scientists had some pretty awesome visitors this week! Officer Bohbrink and his K9 Moose joined us for a lesson on animal traits and to learn more about what conservation officers/K9s do!

4th Grade Scientists
Representatives from Dorel came to Sprunica today to talk about car seat manufacturing, the engineering design process, and their careers. Our PLTW unit about collisions and force in 4th grade tied into the presentation well and 4th graders asked FANTASTIC questions! What an awesome day!

3rd Grade Editors!
Third Grade writers are busy being editors. They are looking closely to see if their partner are following the structure and rules of personal narratives.

Guest Visitors!
We had a very special visit from author and illustrator duo Jamie and Gabriel Lehman! Jamie read her book to us, and Gabriel showed us that drawing can be as simple as putting shapes together!

Kindergarten has had a busy week! They are working so hard, but making sure to find time to have fun!