This week in Preschool, we discussed parts of trees, what we get from trees, read several books, and talked about letters in our names. We are working on a Fall Art project that will be part of a fundraiser in a couple of weeks. Students are excitedly checking leaves everyday for signs of change!

During W.O.W. time, the kindergarten students have been learning all Bout jobs in the realistic area of the RIASEC. They worked with partners to find the tools needed for each job then drew the job they were interested in in their journals.

First Grade
1st grade was challenged with building a standing house using ONLY 10 pipe cleaners! Some said it was impossible, but they persevered and ended up completing the task.

2nd Grade
In the second grade the students are working hard on finding the main ideas of a story, identifying three digit numbers in math, and labeling the continents in social studies.

Third Graders
This week in third grade we got to go to Blue Springs Caverns for our fall field trip. This is always an amazing trip! We are working hard to finish our RACE Writing unit and the kiddos have really improved their writing! We are still reading Stone Fox and discussing character traits and main idea. It has been another great week in third grade.

Fourth Grade
In 4th grade we are “FALL-ing” for some new language arts lessons! Our students are discovering the “WHY” behind word meanings and spellings these last few weeks. As they begin to synthesize information independently, students are more able to comprehend on a much deeper level. We are beginning to bridge the gap between several subject areas, and use cross curricular materials to enhance our writing and reading skills! Fourth grade mathematicians were busy this week using multiple strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. We even shared our methods with our classmates. Be on the lookout next week for some pictures of our very first room transformation of the year as we celebrate the beginning of fall in math class.

Fifth Grade
In math we finished our unit on place value. We are still working with decimals, but we are doing computation!
In social studies we are learning how some of the earliest people arrived in what is today America!
We are also eager to celebrate the outstanding social studies students that earned a 90 percent or better on their states and capital test! They will be recognized Friday at our school wide assembly!
We also had fun this week identifying jobs that we are interested in that correlate to our RIASEC score!
In 5th grade ELA we are beginning a new unit on story elements. We will be analyzing these elements as both readers and writers. Making sure to notice and think about them as readers and be sure to include them in our narratives as writers. We are taking a short break from our Greek/Latin root words and will focus for a few weeks on spelling. We are sooooo surprised that the first grading period is almost over! We can’t believe how fast the school year is going!

Kindergarten – This week in science we learned how animals make their homes. We also learned how animals rely on each other for their homes and survival. For example, students learned that different animals use old woodpecker holes for homes.
1st Grade – This week students learned more about heredity and how animals, including people, get their traits from their parents and grandparents. They learned how sibling offspring can be similar but different. We finished the week beginning to learn about the superpower of camouflage that animals use.
2nd Grade – This week we finished our animal classification project. Students learned that some animals have traits of multiple categories which make them harder to classify. However, they succeeded in finding the right animal group. Great job 2nd grade! We finished the week by starting to learn about the diversity in the different animal habitats, realizing that animals need a habitat that fits their needs and survival.
3rd Grade – This week 3rd graders finished the lesson on learning how fossils can help us know what animals looked like. For the rest of the week we learned how animals work in groups and how their actions affect each other. We learned how we can compare today’s animals with animals of the past to learn more about past animals. Next week we will learn some other cool things that fossils can tell us. Students are excited because this will include racing dinosaurs.
4th Grade – This week 4th graders took an assessment on the selection and traits unit we have been working on. This gave students an opportunity to show what they have learned. We spent the last part of the week introducing PLTW (Project Lead The Way). We spent time making sure students know how to navigate the PLTW website. We also had a fund PLTW scavenger hunt and earned some extra science tickets. We began to look at our first module/unit on energy exploration.
5th Grade – This week we continued to observe our mold terrariums everyday. We will finish our observations next week. This week we also continued to learn about worms and their ecosystem. Students designed their own experiments to try with the worms and then conducted their created experiment. Again it was a fund week of mold and worms. We finished the week by learning more about what an ecosystem is and how the different parts work together. Specifically, we began to explore a pond/lake ecosystem.

Physical Education
PE we have been working on cooperative team work games and our daily workout starts each PE class.

School Nurse
Hello Everyone! It has been a great start to the year! Here is some information from the health office this week. The “back to school germs” are back, and the extreme heat is not helping. Lets please make sure our students are staying hydrated, eating healthy, and getting a good amount of sleep at night. This will help our immune systems stay strong and fight away any germs we contact. Students, washing our hands is a big part of staying healthy while our systems adjust to being back in school, please do your part by using soap, and saying your ABC’s while you scrub! I am glad to see you all again, and look forward to a healthy year for all!.