September 22, 2023
This week preschool turned the playground into a drive through complete with friendly staff and yummy food. Who knew? We’ve also had fun this week working with scissors and cutting out critters for our pattern matching game as well as building floor puzzles and creating color pictures. We love all things magnets and screw guns and building these days so we never miss a chance to be hands on!

This week in the World of Work, we named careers that interest us and shared these with the class! Check out the When I Grow Up videos. They are AMAZING!
We continued to learn about the letter R in the RIASEC code. We enjoyed being a CHEF for the afternoon in kindergarten. We made caramel apples with sprinkles! YUMMY! Check out the photos!
1st grade
First graders adopted desk pets this week. We would like to welcome Lizzy, Cake, Watermelon Unicorn, Flipper, Dinner, Timmy, Love, Snowflake Bunny, Stitch, Popcorn, Super Nut, Rockstar, Jeff, Snowflake Tiger, and Watermelon Cat to our class!

2nd grade
This week we read about The Hundred-Year Barn, we talked about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end. We learned another name for opposite! Antonym!!!

Second grade has had an awesome busy week. We have been working with number patterns counting by 5s and 10s in math, working hard on our small moments books, learning to read with our partners, and making our letter sounds in sand in OG. Last Friday we had an amazing time with the author and illustrator of Splat!

3rd grade
We have worked hard with partners this week! We squeezed in a little fun while working too! One of our favorite times of the day is our independent reading time! It’s always nice to have a snack and a good book! Wednesdays have become our Lunch Bunch day! The kids spend their Dojo points to have lunch in the classroom with me. This week, we had quite the crowd! I enjoy this time as much as the kids do!

Third grade is very busy!!! This week in writing we are continuing to write our narrative stories. In reading we are learning about character traits. We are reviewing for our Unit 2 math test. We are working so hard!

4th grade
We had a hard week this week in 4th Grade. We had to say good-bye to Peyton as she moves to a new school. This class has been a tight-knit family for a long time, so this was difficult. We spent time loving on Peyton as we sent her off.
In academics, we are studying the prefix “pre” and the suffix “ed” in Morphology. Our brains are so curious about words now. We are noticing all the morphemes we’ve studied and making so many connections.
We are in our new math unit, and we are studying larger addition and subtraction problems. We are also really dissecting word problems.
We are learning so much in 4th Grade!

5th grade
Fifth Graders presented their Regions Maps and Slide Presentations. What an outstanding job they did on their first major project. We are beginning our next unit on Native Americans. In Reading, fifth graders are identifying main ideas and supporting details. In Language Arts, we are memorizing 49 prepositions and identifying prepositional phrases in sentences. Students are learning about suffixes in Morphology. In Math, students are adding and subtracting decimals. We’ve had a full week of working hard and growing!

This week our 3-5 grades got to play kickball outside. We learned the rules of the game and some strategies to help get bigger kicks and make plays!
Our younger grades got to explore different P.E. equipment and use their imaginations in the gym. And of course we played lots of fun tag games to get our bodies moving!

Another week of working (and playing) hard in speech therapy!