September 29, 2023
Ted-Ed is coming to Sprunica!
This week all Brown County elementary and middle schools kicked off TEDEd clubs. We are so excited about this opportunity for our students. They will get a platform to share ideas and a passion they truly believe is worth spreading to our community. Just to think, on May 18, 2024, Brown County Schools will be hosting the first TEDx event by any public school district in the state of Indiana! We will have students, ages 6-18, staff members, community members, and even people across the state who may join us for their own TED talk. We would love to have your student be part of this exciting event!
Our club at Sprunica Elementary will meet once a week beginning on Tuesday, October 24th. Club leaders will let students and parents know if there is a week we will not meet. Students will work with teachers and other students during these weekly meetings. There will be work that will need to be completed at home as well, in order for this to be a successful experience for your student. Please take a look at the attached paper to give you an idea of the scope and sequence of activities and topics that will be covered during our club meetings. Some of this material may need to be followed up with at home.
Sprunica will host their own event in April for our students to share their talks with our Spruncia community. Your student may also earn the chance to participate in the county-wide event that will be held in May. Our theme this year is Press Play: YOU hold the remote control to life. Space is limited. If you would like to participate, please fill out the information attached and return it to school by Thursday, October 5th. If you are curious about the next steps or have additional questions, please reach out to one of us on the Sprunica Elementary TEDEd team! We look forward to hearing from you!
Alyson Hanus and Erika East
Gym G.I.A.N.T.
Lily Elliott won the Gym G.I.A.N.T. Award for good sportsmanship this week in P.E. Way to go!!

Super Scientist!
Today’s Super Scientist is Anna!! Anna is a leader in Science and always gives 110%! Way to go Anna!

Walkathon Success!
$12,318.40 has been raised from our Walkathon fundraiser! Way to go!

3rd Grade Success!
Third Graders reached their first goal- 80 kids passed their iready reading lessons with a score of 80% or higher!