November 16, 2023
Spell Bowl
Our Spell Bowl Team got 2nd place in our division this week! Way to go!

Let’s make turkeys!

New playground fun!!!

What a beautiful week to be outside! Check out the photos from this week!
1st grade
First graders this week have been very busy. In reader’s workshop, we learned how to use post it notes to record interesting facts we wanted to share with our partners. In math, we are learning about how to make a 10. We made really cool rainbows to help use learn all of the friends of 10. We are keeping it in our math notebook so we can use it as a resource.

First graders are learning how to add three numbers using number lines and ten frames!

2nd grade
Second graders have had a busy week. We are continuing our research on penguins for our nonfiction/informational writing. This week we worked on our table of contents, our introduction, and our first chapter. We also learned about being proud, and what that means in our second step lesson this week. Second graders were asked, “I feel proud when…” and then had an opportunity to write and draw a picture to answer this prompt. They loved getting to share their responses and pictures with their classmates.

Mrs. Rawlings class enjoyed making portraits of ourselves and using adjectives to describe ourselves.
We also got a chance to describe a classmate.
We enjoyed making connections in Reading with Turk and Runt!
We continued trying to master word problems in Math.
We learned about our environment and pollution in Social Studies.
Great Week!

3rd grade
We have had a wonderful week in third grade. This week in writing we typed our persuasive essays. In math we finished up our multiplication unit and began our division unit. We are excited to learn about the Macy’s Day Parade next week during our short week and can’t wait to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families.

We have had a “sweet” time learning beginning division strategies in Math this week! We finished up our Persuasive Essays and will start typing them out soon. We are excited about the upcoming holiday and will be doing a fun STEM challenge next week to kick it off! Thank you again for sharing your kids with us! I am so thankful to be their teacher this year!

4th grade
We’ve been enjoying this nice weather in 4th Grade. We know it won’t last, so we’ve been soaking it all in.
This week we are learning about labels we put on others when we don’t know who they really are as a unique, valued individual. We did an activity where kids moved around the room and asked each other, “What is something about you I don’t know?” Once kids said one thing to one person, they couldn’t repeat it again to someone else. So, kids had to think of a lot of things about themselves to share with others. We had a great discussion afterward.
In math, we are still learning about factors and multiples. We added in finding patterns in numbers and shapes this week. We are getting stronger with our multiplication facts, too!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving Break!

5th grade
This week students presented their Native American regions project. They worked hard to recreate a Native American home and created a slideshow with facts about their tribe.

Our Fifth Grade Students have been working so hard in every subject. We celebrated Veterans Day by making acrostic poems about our brave soldiers, made cards for them and enjoyed watching the Veterans Day Program as a Fifth Grade Team.
In Language Arts, students are working on identifying parts of speech, improving sentences with figurative language, and practicing all of the comma rules. Students are beginning to write persuasive papers, so be prepared for some hot topic conversations at home! Students have been continuing their novel, Wonder, and are questioning their prediction that Jack was the antagonist of the story. They are also discussing Mr. Browne’s precept: Fortune Favors the Bold. Morphology continues to be a favorite as they are getting better at decoding words.
In Math, students are learning to multiply decimals by powers of 10, using models, rounding, and the standard algorithm. Keep reviewing those multiplication facts!!
In Social Studies, students finished up their Native American projects, which are proudly displayed in the hallway. Students did a magnificent job building and designing their Native American dwellings. Now, on to famous explorers! So much to learn about our country’s history!
We are all looking forward to our Thanksgiving break! We wish everyone a restful, safe, and happy Thanksgiving.
Scientist of the Week: Ean Gott

Fourth and fifth grade students completed a bridge stem challenge. Students research four different types of bridge designs. They had to find real life examples of each type. They worked in groups of three and chose one design to build using only straws and tape. The bridges were tested for stability using pennies. They were so creative!

Third grade students learned how to make predictions about the weather by observing clouds and their changes. In the activity, Storm Spotter’s Guide, students created a small book to record their notes, identify different types of clouds, and think about wind direction to figure out if a storm is heading their way.
Second grade students explored the phenomenon of flash floods and created an explanation of why these severe weather events are more or less likely in different regions. They specifically attempted to locate and explain a unique region in Texas known as Flash Flood Alley. In the activity, Find Flash Flood Alley, students developed a map to document how land and water interact across the state. Students then used that map to explain how different shapes and kinds of land increase or decrease the chances of rainfall causing a flash flood.
First grade students explored how the external characteristics of animals are essential for their survival. Students also made observations of parents and their offspring, determining how they are similar and how their behaviors help offspring survive.
Kindergarten students observed and described the weather, paying attention to the sun, the temperature, the wind, and precipitation. In the activity, Be a Weather Watcher, students observed and drew the weather around them.
Speech-language therapy looks different for every student! What a great week!