Week of November 13th, 2023

Wildcats have fun!
Updates from the Front Office
Dear Van Buren Families,
Be an Angel this holiday season!! Van Buren Elementary is sponsoring an Angel Tree in the front office of our school for VBE families. To participate, please select an Angel ornament from the tree, give it to Kim or Andri in the front office to receive the necessary information.
This year we are using Amazon Lists, if you are unable to purchase online or would rather purchase in-store, please speak with Andri and we can make other arrangements. By choosing an Angel you are agreeing to purchase all items on the list, in doing so this ensures that siblings receive like items. Items purchased from the Angels amazon list SHOULD ship directly to the school. However, if the items you purchased are shipped to you, please return the gifts, unwrapped, to the office, with the information sheet attached by Friday, December 8th, 2023.
Thank you for sharing the joy of the season!
Our Wildcat Preschoolers are feeling thankful this week!


Kindergarten students show off our Thoughtful Thanksgiving Turkey! This month our focus was on mindfulness. Being mindful is really just using our 5 senses to take in the world, staying in the moment, and being grateful for the experience of being alive. Students wrote down 5 things they are grateful for seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and tasting. We even did some mindful tasting with wasabi peas, seaweed snacks, and pomegranate seeds. The students were all so open to trying something new and different! I’m proud of them all- it’s fun to have tiny adventures without leaving the school.

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

Some 3rd graders enjoying Thanksgiving lunch with family!
4th Grade

5th Grade
This week in Science 5th grade learned about mechanical testing and mechanical properties. Students conducted tests to determine if products and materials passed certain criteria to be used in the real world. For example, students tested different types of grocery bags to see if they could effectively hold a certain weight and how much weight total they could hold. They loved testing and will soon be designing their own mechanical tests.

Special Events