March 7, 2024

We have continued our Author and Illustrator Study about Dr. Seuss. We read Green Eggs and Ham. We enjoyed cracking eggs and making green eggs and ham with our classmates. We have continued dressing-up to match the Dr. Seuss book we are studying.
Please check out the pictures from this week!
1st grade
First graders did a STEM activity to create a leprechaun trap. They designed their traps and created them yesterday. Today, K-5th grade classrooms came to see them. We explained how the trap worked and why we decorated them the way we did. Our visitors did an amazing job asking questions and giving us positive feedback. It was so much fun.

2nd grade
Mrs. Baughman: Second graders love having our IU Students in the room with us this semester. They are great helpers with writing and helping us solve word problems involving money. Some of us are finished with our Opinion Writing books and are proud of the hard work and seeing our finished product. We celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday and even had the Cat in the Hat visit us. We also had Thing 1, Cindy Lou Who and the Grinch in our room. We love our calming bags we got from an amazing donation from Cummins!

Mrs. Rawling’s class had an awesome week of learning! The students completed their very first IREAD3 test! They did a wonderful job! In Reading we learned all kinds of facts about sharks. We continued working on clocks/time in Math and are getting better at telling time.
We enjoyed going to first grade to see their Leprechaun Traps!
Have a wonderful Spring Break!

3rd grade
Mrs. Ely: This week we completed IREAD 3. I am so proud of our kids! They did great!! We have spent our afternoons completing STEM challenges! We have had a lot of fun, overcome some challenges, and managed to learn more about the Engineering Design Process along the way! I hope everyone has a fantastic Spring Break! I will see you when you get back! Enjoy!

Mrs. Stiles: We have been busy this week in third grade. In math we are learning about fractions. We also made 3D shapes out of toothpicks and marshmallows. In writing we are typing our informational reports and making a google slides show about our animal. We are learning how to copy and paste pictures too. We are looking for to a relaxing and restful spring break!

4th grade
4th Grade has been working hard this week on wrapping up some units and projects. We are excited for Spring Break, so we have been working hard, so we can play hard!
In math, we finished our fraction and decimal unit. We are starting geometry after our break. We learned so much this year about more advanced concepts: mixed numbers, improper fractions, adding fractions with unlike denominators, and decimals to the thousandths place. We were challenged, and we all grew so much!
We are very close to writing out our persuasive essays about world issues. We have our main body paragraphs planned, and we almost have our introductions planned. We will be starting our commercials soon!
We had a fun time this week seeing the Leprechaun Traps in 1st grade. They all did such a great job!
Enjoy your Spring Break!

5th grade
Fifth graders took a walk down memory lane as they viewed the adorable Leprechaun Traps made by the first graders. Students remembered their own traps as they sweetly asked the first graders about their projects. Our Fifth graders are ready for Spring Break, but are still accomplishing so much.
This week in LA, students are creating comic strips using the correct punctuation rules for quotation marks. Students played a fun review game called “ Zap” in Morphology to prepare for their test.
In Reading, students in both classes finished their novels, and both classes completed a compare and contrast project with the novel and the movie.
In Math, students completed units on multiplication and division of fractions with whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractions with fractions.
The French and Indian War, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Stamp Act, and Quartering Act are all the buzz in Fifth Grade History.
Fifth Graders hope everyone has a very Happy and Safe Spring Break!!


March Madness has begun in PE!! This week in grades 3-5 we picked teams to determine our bracket. Then we practiced a few basic basketball drills to get us prepared for the tournament. When we return from Spring Break we will begin tournament play to determine class, grade level and an overall school winner!! Mrs. Rund’s class has gotten the trophy the last two years! Who’s going to win this year?!