April 17, 2024

Call the Brown County Music Center at 812-988-5323 to reserve your tickets!!!! Our very own kids will be on stage!! The tickets are FREE! The first 300 will get a really cool swag bag full of goodies!

1st grade
First graders have been very busy this week. In our writer’s workshop, we finished our All About Me books. It contains 5 sections that include my family, my hobbies, my pets, school, and my RIASEC code. They have turned out amazing. We will have our author celebration next week. In math, we are using what we have learned about place value to add two digit numbers with multiples of 10. We learned how to use a 120 chart to add the numbers together. Then we learned a mental math strategy to solve the same kind of problems. The highlight of the week was our Book Blast. The kids totally enjoyed unwrapping their books and reading them. The books were amazing too.

2nd grade
Mrs. Baughman: What a full week second grade has had! We’ve been working hard on 3-digit subtraction with and without regrouping. We love playing SPARKLE with our OG spelling words and had so much fun getting to play it with our IU student Ms. Ella! Book Blast was a success! We had so much fun getting to open our books with the entire school in the gym! We love reading and getting to share our new books with our classmates. We are excited about all the things we still have to learn and all the fun times ahead as we close in on the end of this school year!

3rd grade
Mrs. Ely: We began our state testing this week. There are a lot of things that we would rather be doing than this, but on the other hand, there are some advantages to this time of year too! We get to spend a little extra time outside with our friends to burn off some energy! We get snacks and gum during testing too! Hey, things are going our way and we are happy in third grade this week! Thanks for all of your support at home! It’s been a good week!

Mrs. Stiles:
We are so excited about our new Book Blast Books!!!! We can wait to read all of them!!
In writing we’ve been reviewing the three types of writing; narrative, informational, and persuasive. In math we are learning about time and money. We can’t believe there is only about a month left of school! It’s been a great year!

4th grade
4th Grade has had a very busy week taking the iLearn test. Our amazing families sent in letters, photographs, drawings, quotes, and more to encourage each student before we started Monday. It was such a sweet moment when they all opened the envelopes. We have such great families here at Helmsburg!
We also spent time learning how to write short answers when we are asked to explain. We worked in small groups to write responses on chart paper. Then, we were able to give feedback based on our work as a class.
I’m incredibly proud of each 4th Grade student. They have given their very best this week on their testing! We work hard. We play hard. We are ready for May!

5th grade
What a week! Fifth Graders came this week ready to ROCK their ILearn ELA testing! Every student gave it their best effort and made themselves proud!
Fifth Graders were thrilled with Book Blast! After excitedly opening their books, they were able to sit with the PreK and Kindergarten classes and read to them! It was hard to tell who was enjoying this more!
These students are also preparing for their BizTown trip. They are now in their businesses and they have worked together to determine business costs, filled out a bank loan application, and they have signed a promissory note for the bank. Next up: create a logo, a jingle, a newspaper ad, and a radio advertisement.
Students are so excited about writing their biography for the “Night at the Wax Museum” where they will turn a biography into a speech, and become a wax figure of a famous American that comes to life! As one student put it, “I’ve been waiting all year for this project!”

Students were working in their groups to determine business costs for their company!

Scientist of the Week: Gabriel Tincher

This week in science…
Fifth grade students were introduced to the Earth’s orbital movement around the Sun, as a means of seeing why the constellations change. In the activity, Universe-in-a-Box, students made a paper model that helps them visualize the Earth’s yearly orbit around the Sun. They used this model to understand why some constellations are only visible during part of the year.
Fourth grade students continued learning about storing, releasing, and transferring energy. Students worked in pairs to add on to the chain reaction machine they started building last week.
Third grade students learned how and why flowers are pollinated. In the activity, Make a Flower, students made flower models out of paper and bee models out of pipe cleaners. Students flew their bees from flower to flower and observed what happens to the flower’s pollen during this process.
Second grade students practiced thinking like gardeners. In the activity, students play Plant Survivor, a game that encourages students to think about what plants need and how habitats change over time.
First grade students learned about Ryan’s camping trip with his dad that included a night of stargazing, and a mystery to solve. The lesson included a short exercise where students imagine what they might see looking through a telescope and how to find the north star.
Kindergarten students reviewed our unit, Sunlight and Warmth. Students made observations of how shade influences the warming effect of sunlight, and then used those observations to predict where sunlight can be used to cook food.

We couldn’t be more proud of these guys! Congratulations! You rocked your Student Talks! This was “BELIEVABLE”!!

Math Bowl Takes 1st Place!!