April 26, 2024

Call the Brown County Music Center at 812-988-5323 to reserve your tickets!!!! Our very own kids will be on stage!! The tickets are FREE! The first 300 will get a really cool swag bag full of goodies!

This week we enjoyed celebrating Earth Day together. Check out the show and tell pictures from this week. Each student is growing with their speaking and listening skills. See you next week!
1st grade
Mrs. Garman: First graders have been learning about map skills. They used the skills that they have learned to make maps of their dream bedrooms!!

Mrs. Fultz: First graders published their All About Me books. It contains 5 chapters about us, including our RIASEC code. Writers learned how to write simple paragraphs that included an introductory sentence, 3 ideas that each had a partner sentence, and a concluding sentence. They turned out great. Writers met in small groups and practiced presenting their book to their classmates. Students asked questions and gave each other positive feedback about their books. Of course, we had some snacks and a drink to fully celebrate the occasion.

2nd grade
Mrs. Baughman: Second graders learned all about Earth Day this week. We learned ways we can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We planted wildflower seeds and green bean seeds. We are anxious to see how long before we start to see them sprout. Our class is keeping a daily log about our observations of our plants. We are excited about our field trip to Wonder lab next week. More pics to come on that soon.

Mrs. Rawling’s class enjoyed learning facts about Earth Day this week. We reviewed character traits in reading and learned a couple new strategies for solving 3-digit subtraction problems in Math. We honored Mrs. Crum for Secretary’s Day by bringing handmade cards to her in her office.

3rd grade
Mrs. Ely: This week was a week to celebrate! We celebrated Secretary’s Day with Mrs. Crum! We are so thankful to have her! We celebrated Miss Adams, our IU student. We said good-bye to her and thanked her for hanging out with us this semester! We also celebrated our hard work in Music with a spring concert and tomorrow we will get to celebrate the end of state testing in third grade! Woo hoo!

Mrs. Stiles: We are very excited for our Spring Music concert tonight. We’ve been working very hard in third grade. In math we are working on measurement, time, and money. In reading we are finishing up this year with reading comprehension skills. In Social Studies we will be working on our Market Day craft. We are excited to start some fun end of the year activities!

4th grade
4th Grade has had another week of testing, testing, testing! They are persevering and giving their best, and I’m so proud of them! But, we are all ready to be done and finish the year strong, working hard and playing hard!
I have some very creative students, and they’ve been enjoying the sunny days at recess. Enjoy some pictures of their amazing creativity!
We had our Spring Music Concert this week. The kids did a great job learning their parts and playing different “instruments”. Thank you to Mrs. Quackenbush for all her hard work! And, thank you families for such a great turn-out at the concert. You represented well.
These last weeks are going to be busy, but so fun!

5th grade
Students continue to complete portions of the ILearn test this week. Every student is giving their best effort to make themselves proud!
Fifth Grade Citizens are counting down the days until their BizTown trip. This week, these employees have created a business logo, a newspaper ad, a radio jingle, and a web page ad! They continue to practice writing checks, filling out bank deposit slips, and keeping records of their transactions.
Students are so excited about writing their biography for the “Night at the Wax Museum” where they will turn a biography into a speech, and become a wax figure of a famous American that comes to life! The classroom is filled with students excitedly wanting to share “cool facts” about their famous American.
In Math, students are beginning their final STEM project: designing and creating a Taco Food Truck. Students will create, name, and build a model of their Taco Truck, create the menu, determine pricing, and build the interior of the truck as well.
In Social Studies, students are learning about the Bill of Rights, the three branches of government, and battles in the Revolutionary War. Students enjoyed creating modern day scenarios of the first 10 amendments, and acted them out for classmates to guess! So fun and memorable!

Scientist of the Week: Madilyn Shuffitt

This week in science…
Fifth grade students gathered evidence to support an argument that the apparent brightness of the Sun is dependent upon an observer’s distance from the Sun. In the activity, Solar Energy Explorer, students constructed a model solar system and gathered observations of the Sun’s apparent brightness from each planet within their model. Students then used those observations as evidence to support a claim about which planet is best suited to explore with a solar-powered planetary rover.
Fourth grade students were introduced to electricity as a form of energy. In the activity, Build a Flashlight, students investigated how electrical energy requires a circuit and made their own mini flashlights from LEDs, button batteries, and strips of aluminum foil. Along the way, they learned about the anatomy of a battery, began to see how circuits work, and discovered how handy an on-off switch can be.
Third grade students discovered that while there is great diversity among flowering plants, they all share similar life cycles. They all start from seeds, grow, and eventually reproduce through the process of pollination. In the activity, Future Flowers, students observed and predicted how changes to the pollinators affect plant reproduction, which affects the life cycles of those plants.
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders all celebrated Earth Day! We learned about the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) and even took a virtual field trip to a recycling center. We also learned about places all over the world and how artists use trash that would normally go to a landfill and make artwork, fabric, and even sculptures.

This was a fun week in PE! Our first grade classes did a fitness scavenger hunt outside. They worked with a partner to complete a series of fitness activities. We definitely enjoyed the nice weather and got our bodies moving!
The upper grades took it back a few years and played with the parachute! We played fun games like mushroom, cat & mouse, and lifeguard! I wish you could have heard the giggles coming from our gym!