1st Grade

September 20, 2024

This week in first grade we have been very busy.  We are learning how to find text evidence in our stories that we read and then writing about them.  Also, we are continuing to learn new strategies for our addition facts.  We practiced our double facts and then learned about our friends of 10.  These are numbers like 7 and 3.  We are getting really quick with our mental math strategies.  The highlight of the week was our reading STEM activity.  We read the book, The Dot, by Peter Reynolds.  It is a wonderful story that helps kids learn how we can make mistakes, take chances, and use perseverance to be our personal best.  We used this book to inspire us to create popsicle stick and dot sticker bridges.  Partners had to brainstorm ideas, plan, create their bridge, test it with a 20 pennyweight, and then come up with plans to improve them.  Most of the original bridges were successful in holding the 20 pennyweight.  When we made improvements to the original design, all of the bridges were successful at holding a 100 pennyweight load on it without collapsing.  We learned a lot about how bridges are constructed and made connections with our RIASEC codes and engineers.  It was a ton of fun!

September 13, 2024

First graders had a great week of learning.  We enjoyed reading several different texts about pets and why they are special.  Students spent time writing in response to what we read.  They did an amazing job with it.  We also learned about statements and questions.  They learned how to make editing marks for capital letters and how to circle missing punctuation marks.  In our OG/spelling, we learn six different beginning L blends and did a wonderful job with our word and sentence dictation.  First grade mathematicians learned about our double facts to 20.  We made a color coded book with real life pictures, learned a rap song, and played BUMP with 10 sided dice.  They are doing a great job memorizing these facts.  Lastly, we learned about Patriot’s Day on September 11th.  We made a special craft that honored the patriots that helped others after September 11, 2001. 

September 6, 2024

First graders have had an amazing week!   We are using our new reading program. The kids are really enjoying reading from their literature anthology.  Readers enjoyed reading with partners this week.  We can’t wait for our next story in our anthology. 

August 30, 2024

This week in first grade, we have been very busy finishing up our review of kindergarten skills we learned last year.  The students are doing a great job and have remembered so much!  In math, we worked on math fluency by creating different combinations for 5.  The kids used our ten frame paddles with magnetic counters to solve their problems.  They did problems like 3 + __ = 5 and 5 = 2 + ___.  They used their learning tools well.  It was challenging at first, but we did great with it.  Next week, we begin our unit on addition to 10.

August 23, 2024

This week, first graders were so busy having fun and learning.  We’ve learned about the Summer Olympics in Paris, France.  Students learned about the Eiffel Tower and completed a STEM challenge to build a model of the tower without it falling.  We used the Engineering Design Process to do this.  In math, students learned about how they have math superpowers that help them to solve and work math problems.  We made a chart of all of the superpowers we might have.  First graders chose one of the superpowers that they felt was one of their strengths.  The best part was dressing up like superheroes with masks and capes.  It was so much fun!

August 16, 2024

This week in first grade, we did many fun and exciting things.  We have been reviewing skills from kindergarten and doing a great job with it.  Students have really enjoyed learning about the Summer Olympics.  So far, we have read about the history of the ancient and modern olympics.  First graders learned about many of the athletic events that the olympians do.  We also learned about the opening ceremony and the olympic torch.  We made our own torches with a silhouette of the Eiffel Tower in the flames.  They turned out great!