3rd Grade

September 13, 2024

It’s a been a great week in Third grade!!! We made dream catchers to go along with the book we’ve been reading in our new Wonders reading curriculum. The story taught us how different cultures honor different things. In math we are finishing up our Place Value/ Addition Subtraction unit. We are excited to start learning multiplication soon!! In writing we are drafting our narrative stories in the Wonders app! We are so excited to learn more about this online program! We are working very hard and learning so many new things every day! 

September 6, 2024

We’ve been having a great time in third grade! Our students have been using IReady to practice their reading and math skills through fun online activities. In reading, we’re learning the RACE strategy to help answer questions better: Restate the question, Answer it, Cite evidence from the text, and Explain how the evidence supports the answer. In math, we’re focusing on adding and subtracting 3-digits numbers using standard methods. The kids are doing a fantastic job, and they’re excited to keep learning.

August 30, 2024

It’s a great time to be a third grader!!! We have had a wonderful week!! 

In writing we are working on note taking skills in preparation for planning out our narrative writing. In math we are learning different strategies for solving 3-digit addition and subtraction problems. In reading we have been exploring our first unit in Wonders: Narrative Nonfiction. We have been so busy learning and growing each day!! 

August 23, 2024

This week in third grade has been full of exciting activities and learning experiences. Here’s a peek into what we’ve been up to:

Our math lessons have been buzzing with energy as we dive into rounding and place value. The students have been mastering how to round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred, and understanding the value of each digit in a number. It’s been wonderful to see their confidence grow as they practice these skills through fun and engaging activities!

In reading, we’ve been reading the story Room to Grow. This book has sparked discussions about community and culture. The students have been sharing their thoughts and ideas about how different communities come together and support each other.

We have been working on IReady diagnostics in math and reading. These assessments give us valuable insights into each student’s strengths and areas for growth, allowing us to provide targeted support and enrichment.

Today was a highlight of the week as we took a field trip to see the musical Mooch The Magnificent. The students were absolutely captivated by the lively music and the engaging performances. The question and answer session that followed the show was a big hit, allowing the kids to interact with the performers and learn more about the production process.

Overall, it’s been a week filled with learning, creativity, and lots of fun. We’re so proud of how our students are growing and can’t wait to see what the next week brings!

Mrs. Stiles and Mrs. Dinsmore

Third Grade Teachers

August 16, 2024

We are so excited to be back in school!!! In third grade we are already learning so many new things!! In math we tried out a new app called Boddle. It has some really fun math games on it! We are working on place value and rounding in math. 

Last week we completed a marshmallow stem challenge where we saw who could make the tallest tower! It was sticky, but fun!

We are looking forward to an amazing year of learning and fun in third grade!!