4th Grade

September 20, 2024

This week was an eventful week! Fourth Graders were the first to take the ILearn Benchmark test for Reading and Math. Way to go Fourth Grade!!

In Reading, students were excited to begin an in depth novel study of Charlotte’s Web. Students are discovering character traits about themselves, and the characters in our novel. Realistic fiction is definitely a favorite fourth grade genre. 

In Math, students can identify and use the commutative, associative and distributive properties to solve problems, and are mastering their multiplication tables! They enjoyed playing a concentration game of matching a math problem to a specific property. 

Students are working hard in ELA,  identifying compound sentences and coordinating conjunctions. Just ask them about FANBOYS!  In Morphology, students are learning the prefixes  mis-, dis-,  and fore, and getting quite good at decoding meanings of words. Students learned how to take notes while reading informational texts, and are just about ready to begin their persuasive essay.

Social Studies is about to get interesting, as students begin to learn about the native peoples in Indiana. Understanding the geography of Indiana will help students piece together the history of the first peoples, along with their cultures, successes and difficulties.

September 13, 2024

In Math, students are understanding patterns to learn their 4 and 6 multiplication families! Commutative, associative, and distributive properties and multiplying patterns with 10’s, 100’s, and 1000’s are being conquered this week!

In Reading, students presented a Public Service Announcement about a natural disaster, and did a super job! Students are now reading realistic fiction passages and using text evidence to write summaries, and to determine the theme and the setting of the story. 

In ELA, students identified sentences with compound subjects and compound predicates. Students are challenged by working on their first persuasive writing of the year. Students are learning to take notes, write outlines, and use evidence to support their claim. In Morphology this week, students used prefixes and suffixes to create new words, and reviewed spelling rules with suffixes. 

Social Studies was exciting this week, as students used their knowledge of the three regions of Indiana to create a map of Indiana out of graham crackers, icing, twizzlers, candy corn, and M&M’s. During World of Work, students are looking at their own character qualities and seeing how this pairs with their RIASEC score. 

We were so excited to have the IU nurses come and teach Second Steps to our fourth graders!   Fourth graders are growing, learning, and building stamina, and we are super proud of them!

September 6, 2024

In Math, students are excited about passing their multiplication tables to earn a gumball machine! Students practiced finding the factors and multiples of numbers, and determined if they are prime or composite numbers.  Math stations, die, and games helped make Math fun this week! 

In Reading, students worked on their final project for our unit, Natural Disasters, by writing and presenting a Public Service Announcement about a natural disaster of their choice. Students did a fantastic job! Students also worked on identifying text features in nonfiction articles.

In ELA, students identified compound subjects and compound predicates, and practiced identifying fragments, clauses, and compound sentences. Students are working on their first persuasive writing of the year. Students are learning to take notes, write outlines, and use evidence to support their claim. In Morphology this week, students used prefixes and suffixes to create new words.

Social Studies was exciting this week, as students learned what makes up the biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere in Indiana. Students will be identifying the three regions of Indiana, and will be making an edible map of Indiana! Yummy!!

August 30, 2024

In Reading, students have been studying natural disasters this week. Students were so excited to become a meteorologist!  They had to  create a public service announcement to inform and warn citizens about a possible disaster. They also created a backdrop and poster with the steps citizens should take to be safe! What an awesome culmination of this unit!   

In ELA, students are fantastic at identifying the four types of sentences, identifying the subject noun and verb in a sentence,  and recognizing the complete subject and complete predicate in a sentence! In Morphology, students are writing words with suffixes such as -er, -or, -est,  and  writing the prefix -un.  

In Math, conquering our multiplication facts, working with factors and multiples are this week’s challenge! For fun,  every student will get a paper gumball machine to fill in as they conquer each set of multiplication tables up to 12. When they know them all, they will get their very own gumball machine to take home. We will also be learning the distributive, associative and commutative properties of addition and multiplication this week.

  In Social Studies, map skills have been the focus this week in Social Studies. Next we will learn all about glaciers, landforms, major cities and water forms in Indiana- all of this will culminate in creating a MAP of Indiana’s three regions out of yummy things, and then EATING it! Students are so excited!

August 23, 2024

What an exciting week of learning and fun in Fourth Grade! In Reading, students worked on nonfiction text structures while learning about natural disasters. They read expository texts on volcanoes, erosion, and earthquakes. Students used their new knowledge about the job of a civil engineer, and the engineering design process to build structures that would withstand an earthquake! 

In Language Arts, students started their journey in Morphology, learning spelling rules for adding suffixes. Students also reviewed types of sentences and dissected and labeled the subject, verb, complete subject and complete predicate in a sentence. 

In Math, students excelled at place value, using fun manipulatives and place value Bingo to practice! 

In Social Studies, students learned about maps. Students learned how to use a map scale, a map legend, a compass rose, lines of latitude and longitude, to locate major cities in Indiana. 

Students were so excited to go to Parkview Church to watch the play, Mooch the Magnificent!  This has been an amazing week!

August 16, 2024

Fourth Grade!! Wow! These fourth graders have had a tremendous start to the new school year! One full week in the books, and we have accomplished so much already! Students have practiced routines, participated in Olympic competitions, created classroom rules, and have already had Gym, Music and Art!  

In Reading, students have picked out their good fit books, and are beginning their new Reading series called Wonders.  In ELA, students are practicing writing four kinds of sentences, and learning to identify a fragment from a sentence. In Math, these students have had fun playing Place Value Bingo Math, writing numbers to 1 million in standard, word, and expanded form, and practicing their multiplication facts. Students in Social Studies have already learned the names of the seven continents, 5 oceans, latitude, longitude, equator, prime meridian and bordering states of Indiana. Indiana History is going to be so much fun! 

We are so excited for this year, and proud of these hard working 4th grade students!