
September 13, 2024

News from Mrs. Robison: This week we used the Engineering Design Process for our 1st STEM Challenge! Each group worked as a TEAM. Each student had a role with responsibilities for their part of the challenge within their group. We worked very hard and had a BLAST!

This week we also enjoyed sharing information about our names. Check out the photos from this week!

News from Miss Croft:

Another awesome week in Kinder!

This week was Spirit Week and I loved seeing all the participation from our little ones. I did my best to take class pics, but they didn’t always turn out the best, but at least we had fun!

September 6, 2024

News from Miss Croft: This week in Miss Croft’s class, we sang, danced, counted, created patterns, and even started reading using pictures and context clues! These kiddos are catching on quickly and I can’t wait to see their progress by the end of the semester.

News from Mrs. Robison: Wow, what an AMAZING learning week!  We have been writing about our families and sharing this information with our classmates.  We have enjoyed playing math games with dice and spending time with our friends outside.  Check out the video from this week!

August 30, 2024

News from Miss Croft: We have been working hard and learning so many new things! We’re all so excited about all the math we have learned so far, and even all the math we didn’t even realize we had been doing through our everyday routines and play!

News from Mrs. Robison: This week in math workshop, we have been learning how mathematicians count groups to 5.  We have been using counters to help us count.  We have enjoyed creating and building patterns with other mathematicians.   

During our classroom Computer Science time, we have been learning how to use different kinds of technology!  We have been focusing on using the touchpad to click, drag, and scroll.

Check out the photos from this week in Kindergarten!  Enjoy!

August 23, 2024

News from Miss Croft: This week was packed full of so much learning! We learned new letter sounds, the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, practiced writing our names and talked about the importance of always using an uppercase letter at the beginning of our names, and we even wrote and read our 1st “Red Word” ‘I’. The students were so excited once they realized that they had already read their 1st word! We also started talking and learning about math and how we are surrounded by math everyday!

I can’t wait to see the continued growth in all of these kiddos and I hope they come and tell you all about it as well!

News from Mrs. Robison: We have enjoyed another WONDERFUL week in kindergarten!  We have been learning how to talk and share our thoughts with the class, and with partners. We are learning how to talk with others and how to listen when someone is talking.  

We follow these steps when talking with our partners.  We think about the topic, then we share with our partner, and finally we share what our partner said with the whole class.

Please check out the photos from this week in kindergarten!

August 16, 2024

News from Miss Croft: We have had a great 1st and 2nd week of school.  We have made new friends and learned many new things.  We have been learning our school and classroom rules, and created our “Classroom Promise”.  Our tiger cubs have worked hard on learning new procedures, and even became detectives to discover our new school!

News from Mrs. Robison: We have had a great 1st and 2nd week of school.  We have made new friends and learned many new things.  We have been learning our school and classroom rules.  Our kindergarten class participated in a school tour with Super Dog and his silly clues.  We explored the classroom and school to learn how to get to different places.  We also met special school helpers.  We went on the adventure in our capes and masks!