Week of September 9
Preschoolers are participating in small group activities on Mondays! They play matching games, number games, and work on fine motor skills!

This week, Mr. Li talked to the class about his job in the science technology world as a software engineer! He talked about how school in China and America are different and the same, what interested him in technology from a young age, and his steps to get into the tech world. The kids enjoyed learning about different job fields!
The students in Mrs. Wagers and Ms. LaGiglia’s classes met for their 1st book buddy time. The kids were excited to get to know eachother and will be meeting once a week this year.

First Grade
The students had a good week. They spent time outdoors exploring during recess. At one point some of our first grade students found some honey bees to observe. Our awesome teacher, Mrs. Peel,was a bit under the weather and we hope she gets to feeling better soon!

Second Grade
Second graders have been busy learning and growing this week. Students brought in stickers to decorate their writer’s notebooks. The students used construction paper, stickers, gems, and googly eyes to decorate with and made some creative covers on their writer’s notebooks.
Third Grade
Third graders doing a fun activity in Social Studies using Google Earth.

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders worked really hard this week for Ms. Jenna, while Ms. Austin was home sick.

Fifth Grade
A couple future teachers in the making for spirit day!
Fifth graders have been having fun getting to know their kindergarten buddies in Mrs. Li’s room!

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd all got to enjoy a visit from Mr. Major from the Indiana DNR who works at the Brown County State Park. He brought in a couple ambassador animals. He shared on many different topics about animals that related to what each grade has been learning. He talked about adaptations, the animals’ environments, and how each different animal uses different ways to get food and stay safe to survive. He also spoke of similarities between the animals.
In 3rd Grade this week we also started using fossils to measure how fast dinosaurs ran. We also measured our own legs so that we could decide which dinosaur legs are the closest in size to ours. We are using our measurements of dinosaur fossils and ourselves to help us prepare for racing dinosaurs to see if we can outrun a dinosaur. The students love the fact that they can use fossils to figure out if they can beat a real dinosaur.