Week of September 16, 2024

Preschoolers start the day off right every day by learning to be kind to one another.  The PreK  students enjoy their breakfast while practicing their table manners! They also practice making silly faces!!

Kindergarten students in Ms. LaGiglia’s class practiced their shape identification skills by going on a shape hunt on our playground. 

This week we are learning the letter T, so we made T crafts! We also have been improving our writing skills so much!

Using technology is an important part of our students’ education at Van Buren Elementary. First grade students are learning to count, add, and subtract using technology. 

Martha Sechler from the Brown County Public Library visited the second grade this week. She talked with the classes about how her stories use her imagination and they are not from a book. The students loved her creative mind, and were so inspired. Our second graders are amazing at helping each other.

Third graders were treated to some of Martha Sechler’s wonderful storytelling this week. Students also practiced communicating effectively

Fourth grade students are enjoying having IU nursing students teaching social and emotional lessons to the class.

On Friday, we celebrated the start of the Fall season by completing some activites for Squirrel’s Fall Adventure. We did 5 math challenges, wrote compound sentences about Fall activities, and read a nonfiction text about how amazing squirrels are.

STEM Activity our 5th grade students have been getting ready to inquire about how the amount of water in a plastic drinking bottle can alter the probability of a successfully orchestrated bottle flip. During our Tinkering Tuesdays, we’ve been capturing the items, procedures, and overall experiences needed to begin our experiment.  Students also practiced tone of voice, body language, and other effective communication skills! 

Students worked so hard to finish up their place value unit this week! They were rewarded with some time outside!

The Indiana DNR visited STEM class! The students learned about Jobs at the DNR and were also introduced to some animal friends!