Week of October 14, 2024
STEM learning starts early! These students worked so hard they needed a nap!

Kindergarten students had a spectacular story time with Ms. Samantha from the Brown County Library this week. We read books, sang songs and learned all about the fun programs at the library.

First Grade
Students have learned about a new genre where animals dress and do things like people: fantasy. In math, we’ve learned about the number line and how it’s similar to the number chart. We’ve also learned about counting on from any number ahead to four more numbers. We’ve written about our fall break and character descriptions. One of our sweet students had a great time with her occupational therapist who helps her with her fine motor skills!

Second Grade
The students are refreshed after fall break. They are excited to get back to school and see all of their friends. We have been working on our writing in the second grade. The students wrote about a community hero or person that helps others. The students really enjoyed the writing assignment.

Third Grade
Third graders practicing making arrays as we learn about multiplication strategies.

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders are enjoying Fall with lots of seasonal activities. We’ve made squirrels with math problems, read about a football’s unique design, visualized how a spider eats its prey, and made candy corn multiplication and division fact families.

Fifth Grade
Fifth graders are having fun learning about exponents doing a little Task Card Scoot. It’s fun listening to them discuss their thoughts and strategies about their newly learned skill!

This week our 2nd graders have been learning about matter and properties of matter. We spent some time specifically looking at monster trucks and using our observation skills along with our sense of touch to inquire about color and texture. Students observed different objects and practiced describing the different textures and colors. In addition, they spent time identifying why different textures and colors are purposeful for different uses. For example, why do truck tires need to be “bumpy”?
This week third grade learned about balanced and unbalanced forces. They also drew aircraft sketches and learned why the different forces of flight are important and how they play a role in flying. Students learned about lift, weight, drag, and thrust.