Another Week at BCMS!!
Pioneer Village at the Living Art Colony

Today students in 8th grade Social Studies visited the Pioneer Village during the Living Art Colony! Students were able to walk around the village, see people dressed in late 19th – early 20th century attire, and learn about several different talents & jobs of the time. Students were able to interact with a town doctor, blacksmith, and listen to traditional music & stories. They also got the opportunity to watch women sew socks and dolls, carve stone, and learn about herbal medicine of the time. Students finished by visiting the old jail and schoolhouse and going inside the one room cabin.

“Surviving the Unthinkable” with 6th Grade!

6th Grade participated in a Gallery Walk to kick off the new English Language Art Unit called “Surviving the Unthinkable.” A Gallery Walk is where students look at projects, images and/or questions to help them critically think about their current topic of study. The essential question to guide the students asked “What does it take to be a survivor?” Students were able to work in groups, helping each other prepare to address this question as they began the unit.