Week of October 21, 2024
This week, Preschool studied apples, pumpkins, and all things Fall. Here are some students investigating the parts of an apple, checking out a pumpkin, and a little outdoor truck and tractor racing in the beautiful Fall weather!

Kindergarten students are learning about attributes and working together to sort objects into groups.This week Kinders also learned how to use our counting cubes to make visuals to help us in math! We made halloween designs and then counted how many cubes there were! We had a blast!

First Grade
We learned about personal narratives and will write one of our own soon!
2). We learned about words that begin with the digraph “sh” and the red word “does”.
3). We got into teams, used our RIASEC jobs to pack a pumpkin safely to be mailed, and will test our packages tomorrow as part of our STEM lesson.

Second Grade
Every day second grade practices segmenting and blending sounds in words. Mastering this skill will make us better readers and writers! We love using manipulatives when segmenting sounds.

Third Grade
Third graders performing their first Reader’s Theatre skit to practice their fluency.

Third grade field trip to the pioneer village.

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders built arrays with tiles this week as they started multiplication.

Fifth Grade
Fifth grade has been using the Inquiry Process in social studies to design a business for an assigned region of the United States. Their business must be profitable for their region. Students need to tell what resources they are going to use or what resources will help their business flourish.

In second grade this week, we learned more about solids and liquids. We even tested out some substances that seem to be both a solid and a liquid. For example, during one class this week, we made Oobleck. Students enjoyed playing with this substance. When they would squeeze the substance it felt like a solid. However, it would quickly turn back into what seemed to be a liquid.
This week fifth grade investigated and conducted many observations involving mixing substances. Students specifically looked at what happens to volume and mass when they mix two substances together. Using data from their experiments they were able to prove the law of conservation of mass. Students really enjoyed getting to mix the different substances and recording the data. Students used the inquiry process for their investigations.