Week of November 4, 2024
We celebrated a special birthday this week! Happy birthday Cayden!!

We had so much fun making monster crafts, which also counted as a stem activity! We learned about putting pieces together to make our monster robots!

First Grade
1st grade students are learning to love reading.

Second Grade
Second grade students worked with arrays for a math lesson.

Third Grade
Third graders practiced their measurement standards in a STEM activity where they had to build a bridge that could hold 120 grams of candy pumpkins, as well as meeting other criteria. It was a a fun afternoon and they had some very creative ideas

Fourth Grade
Fourth graders are working on their reading skills with the new Wonders curriculum.

Fifth Grade
5th grade social studies students are learning about possible migration routes to North and South America during the ice age.

This week the fourth graders continued exploring energy. We focus on wind energy this week. We read a true story about a young boy in Africa who built his own windmill to help bring electricity to his village. He also ended up helping to bring water to the crops with a windmill. Students investigated and discovered how windmills work and how the wind makes them move. Finally students began to make their own windmills in groups. The students had two requirements: The windmill had to work when the actual wind was blowing on it and it had to remain standing during the wind.
This week third grade had an awesome field trip this past week. We went to the Columbus Municipal Airport. Students were able to see real world applications to what they have been learning in class. Students were able to go inside of a retired military C-119 and learn how it was used when it was active. They also were able to spend time in the museum. Students enjoyed getting to see parts of some planes being built. They also were able to build a blended wing to fly right on the spot. After the field trip, at school we built our first version of our own gliders, we were able to go out and fly them.