Week of November 11, 2024
Unwinding after putting in a full day’s work! It is time to go home.

Kindergarten students in Ms. LaGiglia’s class discovered circles all around their classroom and had a messy fun time printing circles with paint.

First Grade
In first grade this week, we….
1). Learned about occupations we need in our community and how the text features like labels help us understand facts in a non-fiction text.
2). Learned in math how to create groups of equal amounts then skip-count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to find the total quicker.
3). Learned more about how to write a personal narrative pertaining to jobs we might want to work in the future.
4). Learned about our new friend and classmate.

Second Grade
Last week was Election Day and our class participated in a class election. Mrs. Platt’s class voted between Tootsie Roll Pop or Fruit Snacks. Tootsie Roll Pops won by one Vote. It was a close race. The students got to enjoy a Tootsie Roll Pop that afternoon. Discussing the election with the students and having them experience it in class was fun.

Third Grade
Third grade students working with our reading specialist to syllibicate words.

Fourth Grade
Fourth grade students enjoyed a special presentation called A Pig in my Classroom, hosted by the Indiana State Fairgrounds. They took a virtual field trip to a pig farm in Jasper and were able to see piglets and sows.

Fifth Grade
Having fun while staying inside for recess on a cool, wet, late fall day.

This week in STEM
This week 2nd grade learned about rivers. They learned where they come from, where they end, and why it is that they flow instead of standing still like lakes and ponds. To learn all this information about rivers, students build their own landform model out of paper. They then made it rain on their land to see how rivers, lakes, and ponds are formed.
This week 1st grade had a visitor from our local optometrist, Dr. Wagers. She came and spoke with first grade about how our eyes work and how they use light. The students enjoyed seeing the items that Dr. Wagers brought. Students were full of questions. They now have a better understanding of how the eye uses light as part of our Lights and Sound unit.
STEM Student of the week – Cora Nunes