Week of November 18, 2024
Enjoying some time together for lunch!

Kindergarten kiddos enjoying yummy turkey lunch with our families.

First Grade
In first grade this week, we……
1) Learned more about informational text in reading and compared two texts, one that was a folk tale and one that was a fairy tale, to see how they were similar and different.
2) We wrote about what we are thankful for at school and at home! 🙂
3) Finished learning how to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s and are now working on ordinal numbers.
4) We also learned about writing dialogue within quotations marks when someone speaks.
5) In science, they learned about refractive light being produced against a white light.

Second Grade
2nd grade students working with their 5th grade partners

Third Grade
It’s always a good day in third grade!

Fourth Grade
Fourth grade students have been working so hard on their math facts. These kiddos passed to their next level on XtraMath. Shout out to Kellan as he completed all 4 levels!

Fifth Grade
5th Grade students have been enjoying all the perks of the week! We created Turkeys in Disguise after writing about why you shouldn’t eat them for Thanksgiving dinner. Later on in the week we ate, and ate, and ate until we were plum stuffed for the VBE Family dinner. Not to be denied more fun, the 5th graders were caught being good and earned a compliment celebration too!

This week fourth grade started working on their egg projects. Students are building vex carts (model cars) with their own designed restraint systems to protect the passenger (an egg) during a collision. Students are using their design process and designing and creating their egg protection systems.
This week, kindergarten began to learn about the weather. We learned what we look at when we’re thinking about predicting upcoming weather or identifying the current weather. Kindergartners also learned how the weather is different from seasons. Seasons bring patterns of weather, but weather can be a single day indicator.
This week fifth grade has started working on creating their own mechanical tests. They are learning how to test properties, such as bend strength, elasticity, and fatigue strength. Each group is creating a test that they will pass on to another group. Students then will evaluate how effective the tests are at evaluating the properties. Students in fifth grade are doing what real mechanical engineers do.
STEM Student of the Week: congratulations to Ava Shrader!