BCMS Gives Back

Seventh grade Science classes have been working on blogs about Earthquakes as well as dioramas to show the process of erosion!

6th grade was learning about the Mayans in social studies. To make a connection to the Mayans’ lives students worked to study and create Mayan calendar glyphs. Using air dry clay and acrylic paint 6th graders designed their own glyph and made it in class with Mrs. Hoffman and Mr. T. Miller.

Over the past 2 weeks, students at BCMS have been competing as 1st Period classes to bring nonperishable and canned goods in to donate to Mother’s Cupboard. Together, BCMS students donated 2,848 food items as well as a sizeable cash donation in an effort to help stock the pantry. We are so proud of BCMS students for giving back to their community!!