Week of January 27, 2025


Congrats to these kiddos! Everyday we practice tracing our names in prek! These rockstars can now write their name all by themselves without tracing!! 


Kindergarten students in Ms. LaGiglia’s class practiced their addition and subtraction skills by turning their friends into equations while playing the “Roll and Equation” game 

We learned about Chinese New year and tried some yummy treats!

First Grade

In first grade this week we: 

1)   Learned about representing 2-digit numbers in different ways.

2)  Learned more about the World of Work artistic jobs.  

3)  Wrote our rough drafts and final copies for our winter writing project.

4)  Learned more about several kinds of maps and how we fit into the world using them.  

5)  Learned more about nonfiction text features.  

Second Grade

Last week second grade celebrated the hundredth day of school. We did some crafts and a snack mix counting activity. The students really enjoyed counting out different snack items and then eating them. The students had to count to 100.

Third Grade

Third graders enjoying getting to be back on the playground since the snow has mostly melted. Work hard, play hard!

Fourth Grade

In Brown County, when the ground has been covered in snow for a month, but the temperature hits 50 degrees, the coats come off! We had a busy week enjoying the warmer temperatures and sunny days, but only after we worked hard in the classroom. We organized our folders to get us off to a good start for second quarter and a few more students passed a level in XtraMath.

Fifth Grade

The fifth graders enjoyed helping their kindergarten buddies with addition and subtraction this week!


This week in STEM,

1st grade engineers were able to finish building their communication devices. These were devices that they designed and created themselves in small groups. Next week we will go out and test them.

This week our 2nd grade geologist discovered how canyons are formed by using our model pieces of land. Students investigated and saw what happens to land when it is eroded over time. They specifically learned how rivers can play a part in canyons. Students loved this hands-on experience. As their teacher, I enjoyed hearing all their “ooooows” and “awwwwwws” as they saw what the water did. 

STEM Student of the Week – Waylen Nolan