
March 28, 2025

Surprise and Delight

Eddie’s Lakeview Pizza donated enough pizza for EACH student. Sprunica students were so excited about this amazing treat! A huge thank you to Andy Tanner and Amy Calvert for organizing this event!

Ted Ed

We held our second TedEd event at Sprunica. This year, our club grew to seven very motivated members.   With the help and support of their families, we were able to practice once each week to create effective, passionate messages that each student wants to share. They have put a lot of time and hard work into their presentations.  In April, our students will audition to participate in the TedEx event to be held in May at the Brown County Music Center.  We wish them the best of luck!  We are proud of each of them! This year our participants and their presentation topics are: Kiya Crandall, 5th grade- Everyone Needs a Pet, Ezra Elrod, 2nd grade- Save the Axolotls, Callie Higgins, 2nd grade- The Importance of Extra Curriculars, Vivian Kennedy, 5th grade- Choose Your Circle Wisely, Breelynd Phelps, 3rd grade- The Power of Prayer, Willa Quintero, 3rd grade- Face Your Fears, and Lennon Voils, 3rd grade- Stand up for Yourself!

Third Grade

Students are working hard with a partner to learn about Moose and Whooping Cranes. They are using the articles to write a narrative story and an informational article about these animals.

Fifth Grade

We have had a busy week of writing poetry, analyzing expository texts, and learning new Greek and Latin roots -bi, du, ambi, and amphi. We also enjoyed pizza, thanks to Eddy’s Pizza, and PTO movie night!


Art Students have been working on finishing touches of art show projects.  Along with creating beautiful ocean landscapes.

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