Week of September 23, 2024

On Mondays preschool works in small groups! This week they worked on their counting skills! 

Kindergarten students in Ms. LaGiglia’s class learned how to use a new tool, a movement path, to help them focus and calm their bodies.

We are learning to be artists! We are having fun painting while learning all about the letter T! This is a great way to have fun while also discussing our letters! Kindergarteners working on coloring in the lines and cutting. Most importantly enjoying time with each other. 

The first graders learned how to count to 100 using number patterns! Once the hard work was completed the students were treated to a Cat Party Dance!

Last week on September 15th was Dot day. In second-grade we read the book The Dot and designed our own dot. The message was to Make Your Mark…And See Where It Takes You! The students loved seeing each other’s creativity. The students made artwork that resembled famous artists of the past. 

Third graders giving feedback to each other using their personal narrative writing rubrics.  I heard such good suggestions as I was walking around the room.

Fourth graders went on a Noun Scavenger Hunt around the playground this week. They were to find examples of people, places, and things. They had quite the list when they got done. They even found a SNAKE!

We still find time to have fun in fifth grade! Enjoying our last nice days of the year having fun with our kindergarten buddies!

Second graders explored different birds and the needs they would have for food. Different birds eat different types of food and perch in different ways. For example, students learned that finches have feet that are made where they can land on pegs. Cardinals on the other hand have feet where they like to stand on a flat surface when eating. We explored multiple birds, and then the students decided which bird they would like to have come to a birdfeeder. Then they built bird feeders specifically to match the birds that they want to see at their bird feeder. Students really enjoyed this activity and building the bird feeders.

This week in kindergarten students began to learn about structure and function. Structure is the way something is built or how it looks. Function is what something is used for or what it does. We looked at many items in the room this week and identified their structure and function. This helped our kindergartners to start to think like engineers. They enjoyed looking at various items and thinking of them differently than they have before. In addition to thinking about what different products and items do, they had to think about how they were built and what they look