5th Grade
March 7, 2025
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
Hey everyone! Welcome to this week’s blog! The first blog in March! We have been learning a lot of new things this week in ELA, Social Studies, Morphology, and Math. On Tuesday, Damon made a basketball shot that got us a night off homework. We are all super proud of him. We have been getting ready for spring break! We are so excited! Some people are going on vacation. That must be fun! Let’s head on to ELA.
This week in ELA we have been learning about multiple main ideas, implied main ideas, and topic sentences. Some longer texts can have multiple main ideas. There are usually 2 types of multiple main ideas. The first type is a text with one big main idea and smaller main ideas in each paragraph that add on to the overall main idea. The 2nd type is a text with one topic and multiple main ideas about that topic. Not all paragraphs have clear topic sentences that tell you the main idea right away. In those cases, the main idea is implied. An Implied main idea means you have to figure it out by looking at all the sentences together. In a paragraph, you can sometimes find the main idea in the topic sentence. The topic sentence tells you what you’re going to learn or read about in a paragraph. It is usually found at the beginning of a paragraph but not always. As you can see, we have been learning a lot in ELA.
This week in Social studies has been unnaturally busy. This week we have been learning all about The American Revolution! Not only have we learned about The American Revolution, We have also Learned about the events leading to The American Revolution, such as the Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, and Lexington/ Concord battles. One fun fact we have learned about it is that we were the first army to use a war tactic called “Guerilla warfare (pronounced: gorilla warfare)”. Our student teacher sends us the s.s slides and here is an example:
But, sadly, that pretty much sums it up for social studies this week. I sincerely wish we could keep talking forever, but we can’t. See you next time with more on this patch of history we call: The American Revolution.
This week in Morphology we have been reviewing and learning new morphemes. Our new morphemes are -ity, -ty, Mob, Mot, Mov, Co-, Con-, Cor-, Col-, Com-. -ity, -ty means (the quality, state, or degree of something). Mob, Mot, Mov means (to move). Co-, Con-, Cor-, Col-, Com- means (Together, With, Or Jointly. We have also had a couple exit tickets. The exit tickets were about our new morphemes. We have also done our 3 part drill. Morphology can also help you read complex vocabulary. YOu can use the morphemes to break down the word and know its definition. For example: Malfunction. You can find out the meaning of mal- and -ion to help you understand. Also we played a really fun game. To play you roll 2 dice and you would get a number. The number you got will be next to a suffix on the paper. You will then find words that you can add your suffix to.You play the game until every word has a suffix. As you can see, morphology has been a busy subject.
We have been very busy with Math. We are learning how to multiply fractions by a whole number. We have also been learning how to multiply a fraction by a fraction.Another thing we have been learning is how to multiply a fraction by a fraction using the box method. We have been doing a lot in our math G.R.I.T, grammar, reading, cursive, and math. We are in lessons 10-5. Ms. Olivia is doing a great job teaching and explaining the many things we are learning in math. As you can see we have been very busy in math.
As you can see, this week has been fantastic! We have learned so much this week. We hope you have learned a lot too. We can’t wait for spring break! We also can’t wait to see you guys after spring break! Have a great spring break! By the way, Circle the State with Song kids are performing this Saturday! Make sure you can be there if possible. See you after break, bye.

February 28, 2025
Written by: 5th Grade Blog Team
Our week has been absurdly exhilarating and fun. We have gone outside for the first time in a while due to the crazy weather! From social studies to E.L.A and everything in between. This week’s blog is one to hear, and it will make you smile ear to ear. This week was so much fun, and the fun has merely just begun! Read on to find out more about 5th grade’s fantabulous week! Shoutout to Mrs. Joy, Mrs. Annie, and especially Ms. Olivia for teaching us every day and helping us clear up confusion wherever we go!
In Social Studies we have been learning about the events that lead up to the Revolutionary War. Some events were the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party. We have learned a lot of this in our reading log. We also learned about patriots and loyalists. Patriots are colonists who want to break away from Britain. Loyalists want to stay with Britain. We made a comic strip about the Boston Tea Party, we made a newspaper to persuade people to be loyalists or patriots, and so much more! As you can see, we have done a lot of work in Social Studies.
In Math this week we have been learning about multiplying a fraction by a whole number and multiplying a fraction by a fraction. We have also learned how to make models for both of these concepts. An example of multiplying a fraction by a whole number is “2 x ⅓ = ⅔”. An example of multiplying a fraction by a fraction is “⅓ x ⅖ = 2/15”. We also have been learning about coordinate planes. A coordinate plane has a “x axis” that is horizontal and a “y axis” is vertical. There are also 4 quadrants which are the boxes separated by the “x” and “y” axis lines. As you can see we have been working hard and learning a lot in Math.
In Writing we have been working on persuasive essays. Mrs.Joy has sent the class an assignment to write an introductory paragraph for practice. We also have a couple other assignments that we need to do: Complex Sentences assignment and Finishing a story. All of this practice has definitely helped our class. To practice we have been using a fantastic app called class companion. It gives us feedback about all of our writing and it gives us a score so we can fix it until the writing is perfect. Writing has been super fun and busy. As you can see, practice in writing has helped us a lot.
In Morphology, we learned some new morphemes! They are,”con-, cor-, com-, co-, and col-” Our next morpheme we learned is “-ity, and -it” Con-, cor-, com-, co-, and col- means together or jointly and -ity and -ty means state of and quality of. We JUST learned these so it’s fine if we forgot what they mean.
We have been doing a lot in ELA this week. We have been learning the differences between a main idea and a topic. A main idea is a complete sentence. And a topic is one or a few words. We have also been doing a lot of packets. We learned the parts of a paragraph too. The parts of a paragraph are : the main idea of the paragraph, supporting details, And a wrap up sentence. As you can see we have done a lot in ELA.
As you can see, we have been working very hard this week. But the work is just getting started! As it is getting closer to the end of the year it’s going to get way harder. We hope you have been working hard too! We also hope you had some fun this week! We Can’t wait to see you next week with the next BLOG!

February 14, 2025
Have you had a good week? Well, we have had a good week! We have learned so much this week! We have done so many things this week like Social Studies, Grammar, and Math. We have also done a vaping class in the gymnasium with a Brown County police officer. We have also had Ellie’s B-Day. Without further ado, let’s get started.
In Social Studies, we are learning about how people lived in colonial times. We have done a lot in our reading log about this. We read about people’s homes in colonial times. There was a wide variety of them. We also read about how Williamsburg was a great capital for Virginia. We filled out a paper to describe each region of the thirteen colonies. We filled out the reason why they were founded, its economy, and so much more! That is all for now. Let’s move on to Grammar!
This week in Grammar we have been learning about past, present, and future progressive tenses, “to be” verbs, present participles, and lots of other interesting grammar. “To be” verbs are the first 8 helping verbs and are the same thing as state of being verbs. Present participles are verbs that end in “-ing”. To have a present progressive tense, you must have a “to be” verb + a present participle. Some examples of the progressive tenses (past, present, and future) are “He was running.” , “He is running.” and “He will be running.” As you can see we have been working hard in Grammar.
We have been learning a lot in Math this week. We have been learning a lot about fractions. We have been adding and subtracting fractions. Ms.Olivia came up with this super fun math basketball game. She would put a problem up on the board and we would solve it. We had to solve it in 1 minute. We have been taking tests on many lessons. We made a study guide on adding and subtracting fractions. We are learning different ways to add and subtract with models like: fraction tiles or stacking it. We are also going to be taking a big test on adding and subtracting fractions tomorrow!
In Morphology we are learning 3 morphemes. We have learned 1 Latin,1 suffix, and 1 prefix. Under- meaning below or less.Like underground, underneath, and undercook (below cooked and below the ground). -ous, -ious, and -eous meaning full of or having (adjective). Lastly vers/vert means to turn. Like revert or convert (to turn back or again and to turn together).now let’s move on to the conclusion.
As you can see, we have had a great week of learning and fun! We all have done a great job learning a lot of our new subjects and we wanted to share them with you! We love learning about Morphology, math, grammar, social studies, and a lot more! We have had lots of fun in PE and Art and music and science.

February 7, 2025
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
Hi again, welcome to this week´s blog! We have so many fun things to talk about like Math, Social Studies, ELA, and Morphology. We hope you have fun reading this blog. Well we will stop talking now, so you can get to reading! So have fun and keep learning!
This week in Math we have been very busy. We did lesson 9-5 in McGraw Hill, also known as adding and subtracting fractions using a multiplication table. You know, using multiplication to add and subtract. For example, ¾x½. You need a multiplication chart.
x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | |
3/4 | 3/4 | 6/8 | 9/12 | 12/16 |
1/2 | 1/2 | 2/4 | 4/8 | 6/12 |
And there we have it. The answer is 5/4 or 1.25 or 125%.
We have been very busy in Social Studies. We have been learning about the 13 colonies, the British colonists, slaves, women’s rights, and different jobs the colonists had. The colonies we are learning about are The New England colonies,The Middle colonies, and The Southern colonies. We took two tests. One was the Midwestern States and Capitals, and the other was Southeastern States and Capitals. We have been reading about many different things about the American colonies: rules that women had to follow, and the jobs they had, ect. Mrs. Joy came up with this new game where we had to come up with questions. If you got a question right, they got a fire token. If you got a question wrong, you gave a fire token to the person that asked the question. The team with the most fire tokens at the end won. It was super fun! As you can see, we have been very busy in social studies.
In ELA, we have been learning about present progressive tense verbs, and we don’t fully understand because it is our first day of learning them, but we are still learning them. To form a present progressive tense, use the verb “to be” plus a present participle. If you don’t know what a present participle is, it is basically just adding “-ing” to a verb to create a present participle. The first 8 “to be” verbs are helping verbs. What a coincidence! We had so much fun in ELA and we are still stretching our brains! Now let’s get on to Morphology!
In Morphology we have been practicing our morphemes. This week we played our studying game called Pyramid Party over our morphemes. There were 4 teams and we all tried hard and did our best. Analeigh, Hadleigh, Reese, and Cybil won. After each round we went over the morphemes we missed and learned from our mistakes. As you can see, we have been working hard in Morphology.
As you can see, we have had a busy week. It was also really great! We have been busy in Math, Social Studies, ELA, and Morphology. We hope you had a great week. The weather has not been so crazy lately, so we have not had many two hour delays. We will see you all next week.

January 31, 2025
By the 5th grade blog team
Hello everyone! We have had a great week so far and we have been learning, too! We are going to tell you about Math, Social Studies and ELA. We have had 4 weeks worth of indoor recess and this feels like our first outdoor recess! And it is! It was also very warm out and we did not need to wear winter coats either! It was just a little chilly and felt like early fall. Anyways, let us tell you about how it was and we did.
In Math we are working on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. We are getting better at it! We also are starting to work on converting percentages into fractions. This is new for us. On Thursday we took our I-Learn math checkpoint! We are also working on our i-Ready diagnostic. As you can see, we are very busy with Math.
In Social Studies we did our Midwestern States Test and we will be doing our Western States Test. We have also done our 13 colonies test, which we studied in our reading log and made a study guide. We also did a lesson about comparing the 13 colonies. We learned all about every colony. We also studied Plymouth, Roanoke, and Jamestown. All of the 13 colonies are New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The regions are New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. We have recently been doing colonial stuff in our reading log. As you can see, social studies has been busy.
Have you heard we have a new student teacher!? Her name is Miss. Olivia!!! She is doing great so far. Mrs. Joy went in and out of the room to let Miss. Olivia teach. She is even reading a new book to us in read aloud!!! In all she is really fun to be around.
This week in ELA (English Language arts) we have done a lot of morphology & word wall work. The morphology finally finished their packets in time! They have the word wall and morphology test tomorrow. We also did an ELA i-Learn checkpoint on Tuesday. This week has been fun in ELA.
Our week has also been very busy, too. We hope you have a great week. As you can see, we have had a great week. We have done a lot of tests like : i-Learn, I-Ready diagnostic, and regions tests. To wrap it up, we have a new student teacher. Her name is Miss. Olivia and she is amazing!

January 24, 2025
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
Hello fabulous people! We learned a lot this week in 5th grade, and we want to tell you all about it. We are very busy doing lots of tests, classroom work, and studying very hard. We are going to talk about Math, Reading, and Social Studies. We have had a lot of fun this week, as well. It was busy, but we know hard work pays off. So let’s get started! Read on to find out more about what we are doing in the best class in the world.
In Math we have been learning a lot. We have been learning about estimating sums and differences with benchmark fractions.The main benchmark fractions are 0,½,and 1 whole. Another thing we have been doing is adding fractions with unlike denominators. We have been reviewing how to add fractions, too. The lessons we are working on are 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3. As you can ,we have been learning and reviewing many things.
In ELA, we have been reading the Wonders Companion book and we read a story about a boy named Paul who goes to Argentina. We also learned about different cultures and why they are different, like their languages, their clothing and what their religion is! That’s all we have learned in reading so far.
This week in Social Studies we have been learning about the 13 colonies which are: New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, South Carolina, and New Hampshire. The 13 colonies test is on 1/27/25. Make sure you study. We also have been learning about Roanoke, Plymouth, and Jamestown in our Reading Log and our E-learning. As you can see we have had a blast in Social Studies.
In Conclusion we have been very busy. We have also had fun! We have had a few 2 hour delays and missed school on Monday. Next week is going to be great! We have the spelling bee! Anyways, see you next time!

January 17, 2025
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week has been moderately challenging, but it has been very fun as well. We are going to tell you about Social Studies, Morphology, and Math. We have had truckloads of fun as we start this new semester. The glitter fairy came with a five gallon bucket of glitter and dumped all of it on the carpet. The glitter makes Mrs. Joy very JOYful! The happy students of the fifth grade hope you have a fantastic time as we dive deeper into this fantastic and complex sea of learning!
In Social Studies we have been super busy. First of all, we had the Western and Southwestern Region States and Capitals test this week. We also have been reading about the three first settlements of England in our reading log and our TCI curriculum: Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth. We are doing a lot about settlements right now. We played a game called Fib or Fact. We worked in small groups to write fibs and facts about Roanoke and then Jamestown. We would go head-to-head with another group and read our facts and fibs. If the other group guessed correctly if what we said was a fact or fib, they get 1 point. If they get it wrong, our team got a point. If they said it was a fib and were correct, they had to say why it is a fib to actually get their point. It was so fun! We were analyzing and evaluating information from our social studies articles. As you can see, we have been very busy in Social Studies.
In Morphology we have been reviewing our morphemes. This week, we played the review game called Pyramid Party to review our morphemes. We played with 2 teams of 8. We sent one of our teammates to the board, and they stood with their back to the board. We had to give them clues about the morpheme or the morpheme definition. If they guessed correctly, we got a point and kept moving up the pyramid until time was up. We all tried our best and worked hard. As you can see, we worked hard in Morphology.
In math, we have been learning a lot about fractions. We are working in Unit #8. We have been learning how to estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions on a number line. We have been reviewing benchmark fractions, but we will eventually move on to just using the standard algorithm. We learned about a tillda and it means that it is about the same as the equivalent. As you can see, we have had a very busy week in math.
In conclusion, we have learned a lot this week. We also had lots of fun, too! We hope you had fun reading about our week! Have a good weekend. Work hard and have fun! See you next week.

December 13, 2024
Written by: 5th Grade Blog Team
We have been learning a lot this week. We hope you have too!!! Today we are going to talk about Reading log, Social Studies, Math, and ELA. We hope you will enjoy reading the blog. Read on to find out more about our week.
In our Reading Log this week we have been learning about European explorers trying to find a Northwest Passage to Asia to find spices and silk. We have been learning about the Columbian Exchange too. Some of the explorers we have been learning about are Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Samuel Champlain, Pizzaro, and Juan Ponce De Leon. We have been working hard on our Reading Logs. As you can see we have had a blast reading this week!
In Social Studies we have been studying our states and capitals. We have the Western and Midwestern states and capitals tests this week. We also read about explorers during the Age of Exploration. Next week we are going to take the test about all of the states and capitals! We can do it! We have been very busy in Social Studies.
We have been doing a lot this week in Math. We have been working in our GRIT. We are still continuing to learn how to divide whole numbers by decimals. Many students are still confused,and many students understand how to do it. We are doing the standard algorithm,long division, to figure out th problem. As you can see we have been doing a lot in math.
That brings us to ELA. This week in ELA we are working on debates. Our topic for the debate/argumentative essay is whether Florida’s government should build structures and tourist sights or preserve its wildlife. What would you do? We are learning/reviewing the writing rubric for an argumentative essay.We did a pyramid parts of speech (PPS, for short) and it was very fun. As you can see, We had a blast in ELA.
As you can see, we have been having a great time in the classroom learning, studying for tests, and having a lot of fun! All of these subjects are all of our favorites! We basically love all of them! Even math! Our teacher, Mrs. Joy, has been making learning so fun for us! Thanks for reading!

December 6, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week has been exceptionally busy. We have been working very hard in the following subjects; Social Studies, English Language Arts, and, finally, Mathematics. We have been doing tests left and right nearly every day! Let’s dive on in to this fantastic world of learning!
In Social Studies we took tests about the United States. We did the Southeastern and Northeastern states and capitals tests. We did our first Northeastern test this week, but the Southeastern test was a review so we don’t forget! In a few weeks, we will do all of the states and capitals! We are also learning about explorers in the reading log. We are reading about the motivations the explorers had for risking their lives to search out unknown lands. We are learning more about the Columbian Exchange. We also read passages about the Northeastern Region to help us get familiar with this final region. We have been very busy in Social Studies.
In English Language Arts we have been reading Beable articles and learning about history, music, entertainment, and more. We also have been reading on Epic! We love Epic! We are also learning about compound-complex sentences and correlative conjunctions. We have reviewed complex and compound sentences, too. We are practicing writing all different types of sentences. We know that writing with varied sentence types make us sound more sophisticated!
In Math we have reviewed multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. We have learned how to use long division to solve decimal by decimal problems. If you get to a point where the problem goes on and on you should probably round. Some long division problems can go on forever. Also you can move the decimals to make the numbers higher to do it easier. As you can see, math has been tricky, but we are persevering.
In conclusion, we have been learning a lot this week. But we still have a lot to learn before Christmas break. We have been extremely busy this week. We hope you enjoyed reading this. See you next week!

November 22, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week we have had a blast! We have been working on our Volume Zoo and our Argumentative essay project! We have been working hard in all of our subjects! This week we are going to tell you about ELA, Social Studies, and Math! I hope you will see we have had fun this week! Read on to find out more.
This week in ELA we are learning about how to write an argumentative essay. We are working on synthesizing, or taking information from multiple sources and putting them together to create a new idea. We are learning how to paraphrase as well. Pretty soon we are going to write an argumentative essay on why or why not Florida’s government should develop urban cities or make the money go toward protecting Florida’s wildlife. What would you do?
In Social Studies, we continued playing a game that we started last week where we picked an artifact and we read an article about the artifact and we answered questions about it in our TCI social studies book. It’s also on the Clever portal TCI! Our Southeastern test is coming up in the next 2 weeks so we have been studying hard. We have been learning about explorers in the 15th and 16th century. We have been learning about Christopher Columbus, Henry Hudson, and more! As you can see, we have had a great time in Social Studies.
In Math we have been doing many things. The main thing we have been doing is dividing whole numbers by decimals. It is a little hard, but we are getting the hang of it. We learned the standard algorithm of dividing whole numbers by decimals. We took 3 short exit tickets (quizzes) on dividing decimals this week. Mrs. Joy uses that information to give us extra support in small groups throughout the week. We have a time called W.I.N. (What I Need) where we get extra help in areas, so we can keep growing and getting stronger. It is like long division but with decimals. And, also in math, we are doing a flip book for the volume zoo about our animal, and we will be presenting next week. As you can see we have done a lot in math.
In conclusion, we have had an awesome week! Math and ELA have been our busiest subjects. All of our week has been busy, though. We have had no time to breathe. LOL! As you can see, our week has been busy with work and some fun sprinkled in (we got on EPIC this week for the first time in 5th grade and we did a fun writing task on We Will Write! And we did a Kahoot for Morphology). Have a great Thanksgiving Break!

November 15, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
Hello, this is the fifth grade blog team and unsuprisingly we have had an exceptionally busy week. We have been working very hard in all subjects,but we will be talking about the following subjects: Why Try, Social Studies, Math, Morphology, and ELA. We really hope you have a terrific time reading this blog.
We have been very busy in Why Try. We are continuing to work on “Lifting the Weight”. We did an arm wrestle and we had to touch each other’s shoulders to get a point. We found out that working together is better than working against each other. Mrs. Joy told us that some kids work against her while she is trying to make the kids do their reading log or follow the rules. We learn more and feel better about ourselves when we are working together and not against each other. We are better together. We had a very good time at Why Try.
In Social Studies we are learning about the Columbian Exchange. In our reading log we read about Christopher Columbus. His fame led to the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange is really important. We are learning about The Age of Exploration and early exploration. We have also done tests on our states and capitals. We had our first Southeastern test this week. We also took our Southwestern test this week. At the end of the year, we are trying to memorize all 50 states and capitals! We have been very busy in Social Studies
This week in Math we have been working hard. We have been reviewing multiplying and dividing decimals. We have taken a few tests over multiplying and dividing decimal numbers on our computers on our district website, McGrawHill. We also did a Kahoot over multiplying and dividing decimals. We all tried our best. Kyler won the Kahoot and many others got honorable mention awards. We have been working on some math also in our G.R.I.T. packet. As you can see in Math we had a blast!
In Morphology, we did our daily 3 part drill. This is where we say the morpheme, spell the morpheme, and say the meaning. We learned 4 new morphemes: miss/mit means “To send” Ped/pod “Ped means child/pod means foot” -Al/-ial means “Related to or characterized by (adjective or noun) Mid- means “Middle” Those are all of our new morphemes.
In ELA, we are doing complex and compound sentences and we are doing argumentative essays. We reviewed that dependent clauses can´t stand alone. We also reviewed how dependent clauses always start with subordinating conjunctions. We learned paraphrasing is when you put text information in your own words. We all learned what an inference was, too.
In conclusion, we have had a busy week. This week we have had multiple tests like the Southeastern, the Southwestern, and the word wall test. We have been working very hard this week to get all our work done. See you next week!

November 8, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
Hello everyone! We learned a lot this week in 5th grade, and we want to tell you all about it. We are very busy doing lots of tests, classroom work, and studying very hard. We are going to talk about Social Studies, ELA, Math, and Why Try. We have had a lot of fun this week, too. So let’s get started! Read on to find out more about what we are doing in class.
In Social Studies, we have been very busy learning all about government and elections. We are having a lot of tests, too, because we are learning all the states and capitals region by region. We had the Western and Midwestern states and capitals tests. We are also learning about the election and what it is. We learned about the Electoral College and the three branches of government. We learned about the electoral votes and how they work. It is based on the population of each state. You need 270 electoral votes to win the election. As you can see we had a blast in Social Studies.
This week in ELA we have been learning about writing an argumentative essay. We started working on the online version of Wonders and writing an online argumentitive essay. We learned about the rubric for writing an argumentative essay as well. We have been working on what a claim is and learning about nonfiction text features. Some examples of nonfiction text features are: dropdown capital letters, graphs (such as pie graphs, side charts, Etc. ), bold letters, pictures, and captions. We also got on this new really cool site called “We Will Write”. It was a writing challenge site, and we had a blast writing and voting for each other’s writing. As you can see it has been a very fun week in ELA.
This week in Math we are using area models and decimal grids to multiply decimals. A decimal grid helps you find out the product of an equation. An area model helps you multiply decimals with a whole number. You can also multiply decimals without a whole number. We are also continuing to do the volume zoo project. As you can see, we have been working hard in math.
This week in Why Try we have been working on Lifting the Weight. We did a blinking challenge where you found a partner and you stared them in the eye and you cannot blink. It was a focus and attention challenge to see if you could pay attention and not blink. We also listened to a read aloud about a little chicken who interrupts his dad who is reading him a story for the little chicken to go to sleep. Every time the dad reads the story the chicken interrupts and tells what’s going to happen in the story. In the end, the duck reads a story to his dad and dad falls asleep immediately, interrupting the story and snoring. The moral, or lesson, of the story is to not interrupt. We got into groups to talk about the story and summarize what happened. Once we were done we raised our hand and told everyone what our group said. In the end, we reviewed and talked about what we learned. As you can see we had a blast in Why Try.
This week in Second Steps, we are working more on writing solid goals. We know that goals need to be specific, challenging, doable, and motivating. We listed out progress markers for our goals, made action steps, thought of materials we needed, and thought of supports to help us reach our goals. We are getting really good at setting goals.
As you can see, We had a very fun week. We did so much! We hope you had fun too. Make sure you study and rest for next week. We also hope you all will have a fun weekend. We can’t wait to see you all next week, until next time, have a great day!

November 1, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week we have had a blast! We have had lots of fun and have been working hard. We are going to tell you about Math, Writing, 2nd Steps, and Social Studies. Join us as we tell you about the fun and fantastic week we have had! I hope you will enjoy reading about our week in this blog. Read on to find out more.
In Math we are continuing the volume zoo. We are also learning how to multiply decimals. We learned what a decimal grid is. We also learned what a decimal range is and how to check if our answer is reasonable. We did a fun pumpkin project on Friday where we guessed the height and the circumference (and we learned about circumference) of the pumpkin. As you can see we had such a fun time in math this week!
In Writing we are learning about argumentative essays. We learned about relevant evidence. The relevant evidence is connected to the claim. We reviewed dependent clauses and independent clauses, too. Dependent clauses can´t stand alone, but independent clauses can stand alone. Dependent clauses always begin with a subordinating conjunction.
In 2nd Steps, we are learning how to write good goals. Good goals are specific, doable, challenging, and we are motivated to achieve them. We wrote things we wanted to improve on a paper. Then we picked three of our favorite things to improve on. After that, we picked one goal to share and write in a group. So, in our group we would share our goal then get feedback from our group members. As you can see we are having a great time in 2nd Steps.
In Social Studies, we did our Midwestern, Western, and Southwestern region tests and study guides. We also did our Southeastern study guide. We colored the Piedmont of the southeastern study guide green, the Atlantic Coastal Plains a light brown, and the Gulf Coastal Plains a light blue. We also did all of the states and capitals on each one, too. We’ve also been learning so much about government. We’ve been learning about the 3 branches of government and all about the Presidential election.
As you can see, we have had a lot to do this week. We are studying quite hard for upcoming tests and reviewing math we did early this year. We have done well this week. It has been a blast in Mrs.Joy’s class this week. We look forward to another AMAZING week in 5th grade. See you in next week’s blog.

October 25, 2024
Written By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week we worked really hard, and we also had fun, too. We hope you have had a fun week like us. We are going to talk about ELA, Social Studies, World of Work, and Math. We hope you enjoy reading this blog. We also hope you can learn something new about us reading about our week!
In ELA we learned many things. We took a parts of speech test last week, and we realized we need to work a lot on adverbs. So we have been working on the definition of an adverb. We listened to an adverb song, too. Mrs. Joy has sent us many videos on adverbs in our Email and on our McGrawHill Wonders reading curriculum website. We are also working on how to identify a claim in reading. We also reviewed verb phrases. We have done a lot in ELA.
In Social Studies, we are studying the midwestern region of the United States. We are also learning about the United States government and voting rights. In our reading log, we read about voting rights. It was very specific back then. We did a class mascot voting activity to show why the Articles of Confederation made our government weak. We got put into groups and tried to figure out what mascot is good for the class. Nine out of 13 groups had to agree with the mascot (like the 13 colonies during the Articles of Confederation time). Mrs. Joy made the voting where there wasn’t a class mascot that anyone would be able to agree on.. As you can see, we have been very busy in Social Studies.
In World of Work, we are doing a project about solar energy. We researched about solar panels and solar energy and watched videos about them. We are practicing writing a claim or thesis statement. We are going to make a persuasive Google slide presentation and a commercial to try to convince people to switch to solar energy. We are then going to decide which RIASEC theme is represented by the career of a Sales Manager. World of Work has been really fun this week. As you can see in World of Work we have had a total blast!
In Math, we are doing a Volume Zoo! In our volume zoo we are researching animals and we are building the animals out of cardboard. We also have to measure the volume and the surface area of the boxes. After we put paper on the cardboard boxes we will glue the boxes together to form the animals. We have also been learning how to add, subtract, and multiply decimals. We are also learning how to multiply decimals by powers of 10. Overall, math was great.
In Conclusion, this has been a very busy week. We have had many small tests this week so Mrs. Joy can see how we are doing. She makes lots of small groups when we see we need extra help. It has been an insanely fun week. We did a difficult decode the letters puzzle on Monday which made our brains hurt a little. Mrs. Joy knows we have to do hard things so we can learn to persevere. We work hard! We play hard! That is all we have to say. We hope you had fun reading this blog! See you all soon!

October 18, 2024
By: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week we have had an outstanding week! It has been so much fun in every subject! We are about to tell you what happened in W.I.N., Math, World of Work, and Social Studies. We have so much to tell you this week. We also have had lots of fun! With that being said, let’s dive right into this week’s blog!
In W.I.N. (what I need) we are doing ketchup work. We also study and do unfinished work. We have a preposition test coming up so we study for that in WIN. We have study sheets to do, so we finish them during WIN. Mrs.Joy has a slide to let us know what we need to do. When we are done, we will usually do I-Ready, Beagle, or have a little pocket of free time. We do many things in WIN. As you can see we had a blast.
In Math, we are doing a volume project! Each group got four random animals. We had to research each one and then choose one animal from the list. We are going to build that animal out of boxes (rectangular prisms). We are going to find the volume of each box we use and find the total volume of the animal. We are also going to find the area and perimeter of an enclosure that would fit the animal. As you can see, we are very busy with math.
In World of Work, we are doing a sales manager project about solar energy. We learned all about being a sales manager. Then, we researched solar energy. We have to make a claim about solar energy. A claim is basically a thesis. Our claim has to explain why solar energy is better than fossil fuel. Example:Burning fossil fuel is bad for the environment. We will then make a presentation to try and persuade others to believe how we believe and to then begin using solar energy. We will also make a commercial. At the end of the project, we have to guess which RIASEC theme most closely fits with this project. As you can see, World of Work has been fun!
In Social Studies, we have been working on making study guides for the Western, Southwestern, and Midwestern states. We have recently taken the Western and Southwestern states test. Our upcoming states test is the Midwestern states. We have also recently finished our Social Studies project about climate and natural resources. In the project we also learned how native americans survived in the climates. Some examples of the climate areas are the Mountains and the Desert. As you can see in Social Studies we had a blast!
As you can see we had a very short week. But we still did a lot of work this week, too. We hope you learned a lot this week, too. We can’t wait to see everybody when we trick or treat at school. We all are still learning a lot here. We hope all you guys learn a lot, too. Have a fun weekend! Make sure you study! See you soon!

October 4, 2024
Written by: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week has been amazing! We have been working hard in many subjects! This week our blog is going to be about Math, Morphology, Social Studies, and Beable. We have also been working on our GRIT and have been working hard on I-Ready. Join us as we visit all of our hard work in many subjects. Read on to find out more!
In Math we are reviewing place value. Also we have been rounding decimals and comparing decimal numbers. We have learned how to work with numbers to the thousandths place. We have also played a game with Mrs.Joy called “Beat The Teacher”. It’s a game where the teacher rolls a dice and you have a place value chart and you have to make the biggest number up to 1 million. As you can see, we have had a blast in Math this week.
In Morphology we have been reviewing a lot of morphemes. We made a card for the morpheme pend/pens/pond. Pend/pens/pond means to hang or weigh. We usually do morphology in the mornings. We review many morphemes. We also did some morphology pages in our GRIT where we read a passage and highlighted words containing the morpheme we are working on right now. Then we chose out words and wrote the word sum and meaning for each word. We have been doing a lot in morphology. As you can see in Morphology this week it has been a blast!
This week in Social Studies we have been learning so much! It has been an amazing week. It has been very fun doing an online hands-on activity! It is an activity where you spot items and tap on them to find out more about them. The landforms we are doing for this project are grasslands, ice fields, mountains, and deserts. We are also learning about the Native Americans that lived in regions to the west. As you can see in Social Studies we have had a blast this week!
In Beable we are doing a project on sales marketing managers. We are watching videos to learn about the job of the marketing manager. We are reading articles about solar energy, too. Then, we will try to persuade our audience to buy solar panels. We are making a video of why you should buy solar panels. We are going to make a background, props, a poster, and a Google Slide presentation. Mrs. Joy made us each a Google Slide presentation to use with all the resources we need to help us work more independently in groups. We are still working on it and we still have a lot to do. By the end, we have to guess which RIASEC theme most closely aligns with the career of Sales Manager. As you can see in Beable (World of Work) we had a blast this week!
As you can see, we had a great start to October! We have been working very hard. We are ready for the next week but we are ready to rest. We have been super busy in Math, Morphology, Social Studies, and Beable. We did very well on our Parts of Speech Test because Mrs. Joy keeps reviewing all 8 parts of speech, and we keep studying them! I hope you can see we have had a blast this week. See everybody soon!

September 27th, 2024
Written by 5th Grade Blog Team
This week in 5th grade was outstanding! We have had so much fun as we near the end of the week. This week in 5th grade we have been doing many tests and looking forward to many more in future weeks. We are going to be talking about math, social studies, I-Learn, and E.L.A. So come with us as we dive deep into the world of academics! (Read on to find out more about our amazing week in 5th grade!)
In Math we have started Unit 3. We have been working on Place Value to the thousandths place, reading decimal numbers, understanding values and relationships of numbers. We also have been working on that you can move to the left or right by dividing or multiplying by powers of 10. We also have been working on rounding decimals. As you can see in Math we have been working hard.
In Social Studies, we have been studying and reviewing the Western region and Southwestern region. With all of these little tests, we are going to do a big test with all states and capitals. The tests are this week! In the reading log, we are reading about Native Americans! Did you know that the first Native Americans to come to North America were the Paleo Indians? Here are some fun facts about states. Did you know that Arizona is the only state that has the Saguaro Cacti. Did you know that in New Mexico the state bird is the Roadrunner-Geococcyx californianus. As you can see we have been working hard in Social Studies.
In iLearn, we are working so hard! We are currently working on the E.L.A and Math. We have been preparing in advance for these tests. Also we have done the practice tests. We have been reviewing many subjects so we are ready for these tests. As you can see all of us have worked so hard for these tests.
This week in E.L.A. We have been reviewing and studying for the preposition, parts of speech, and helping verb tests. We are working so hard for upcoming tests and reviewing many things in our Reading and Writing Comprehension books. We have been reading and underlining key words and definitions. As you can see in E.L.A we have been working hard.
In Conclusion us 5th graders did a lot this week. We have learned an enormous amount of stuff this week. As you can see, we talked about iLearn, E.L.A., Social Studies, and Math. All of 5th grade hopes you have learned a lot too. We all will see you next week! Have a great weekend!

September 20th, 2024
This week we have been working very hard on many subjects. This week was a blast! This week we are going to tell you about Why Try, Reading, and Math. It was busy, but we know hard work pays off.Come with us as we dive into this week’s blog! Read on to find out more.
This week in Why Try we have started a new lesson. Our visual in Why Try this lesson is a rockwall. We also have been working on that you have to put in time and effort to be great at something! As you can see in Why Try, we had a total blast!
In Reading we have been working on our plot mountain. In a plot mountain you have first the expedition then the rising action then the climax then the falling action and finally the resolution. We also have been doing some work in our reading and writing comprehension books. We have been reading and answering questions about the story. As you can see in Reading we had a blast.
This week in Math we have been opening many files in our brains. (We have been reviewing a lot!). We reviewed place value and what we know about it. We showed on our fingers how much we knew about place value. Then Mrs.Joy taught us some more place value facts. We have been doing a lot of work on Pear Deck. That is a website we use to learn and extend our thinking. We have also been reviewing how to add unlike denominators. Another thing we are learning is how to divide numbers by two digit numbers. As you can see in Math we had a blast!
In conclusion we all in 5th grade this week we did a lot. But we still have a lot to learn this year. We all are ready for whatever the year throws at us. We wish you all the best this week. We want you all to learn a lot this year too. We will see you all next week.
5th Grade Blog Team

September 13, 2024
Written by 5th Grade Blog Team
This week was a blast! We have been working on amazing subjects from Social Studies to Math. We have been very busy this week. We are going to tell you about Social Studies, Reading, and Math. Read on to find out more.
In Social Studies, we are studying for the Western Region test this week! We are also studying the regions of the United States. We have been working on maps for the United States and for the Western Region. We have also been working on study guides from our blue folder. As you can see in Social Studies we had a blast.
In Reading we have been reviewing the plot mountain and conflict. We watched a short film called “For the Birds”. In the video there were a lot of little birds and one big blue bird sitting on a powerline. The big blue bird sat in the middle of the powerline and pulled it down. All the little birds were pecking on the Big bird because they wanted him to get off. But, soon the little birds realized that if the big bird let go they would get launched into the air. So, after the big bird fell, the powerline launched the little birds. When the little birds fell down to the ground they had no feathers and were hiding behind the big bird and the big bird was laughing so hard. We watched it and made a Plot Mountain for the film. We also reviewed the three main conflicts which are man vs man, man vs self, and man vs nature. As you can see in Reading we had a blast.
This week in Math we did 4 digit by 2 digit division. We also did 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication. We watched a Math Antics video on long division. The video taught us how to do long division with 2 digits. We have been working on this all week. To do 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication you have to multiply the ones place first then multiply the tens place. After that, you multiply the sums of each multiplication problem. As you can see in Math we had a blast!
In Conclusion, this week was a blast. We can’t wait for the next! We hope you enjoyed reading about our blast we had this week. We have had lots of fun.
5th Grade Blog Team

September 6, 2024
Written by 5th Grade Blog Team
This week we have been very busy. Come with us as we take you through this wacky and wild week. We are going to talk about Math, Why Try, Social Studies, and ELA. We hope you have a fantastic time reading this week’s blog!
We had so much fun in math this week! We learned how to multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers using the standard algorithm. We reviewed decimals in the hundreds place, thousands place, and the tens place.
This week in Why Try we are working in the unit: Desire, Time, and Effort. Like, if you desire, but you don’t put the time and effort in, it will not happen. But, if you do desire and you put the time and effort into it, then you will get the thing you desire (usually).
In Social Studies, we marked lots of stuff on a map such as: the Mississippi River, Missouri River, and the Pacific Ocean. After we had labeled all of the map, we got to color all the Regions of the United States. Later we will cut it out.
In ELA, we are doing independent reading a lot! Also, we worked on comparing and contrasting characters in literature. We also watched a shorts video about a caterpillar and an ant to learn about finding the theme and thinking about how characters face their challenges.
It was a fantastic week!

August 30, 2024
Written by: 5th Grade Blog Team
This week has been very busy! From Social Studies to Beable we have had a busy
week! This week we will be telling you about Math, Why Try, Social Studies, I-Ready Diagnostic, and Beable (World of Work). Learn More about the BLAST we had this week!
First in Math, we have been working on volume with composite solid figures. We have also been doing slides on a website called PearDeck about volume. We have been building composite figures with connecting cubes and then finding the volume of them. We are working on finding the volume of 2 different rectangular prisms then adding up the answers to get the final volume product. We also have been learning that after you multiply the length times the width times the height, when we get the answer, we have to label it with the exponent 3. As you can see we have had a blast.
In Why Try, we filled out a paper about what desire means and what our desires are. Then we played a game where you raised your hand, closed your eyes, then turned around towards the window. After that, we had to guess a certain amount of time like 35 or 40 seconds. When we thought we guessed the right amount of time we would open our eyes, turn around, and put our hand down then look at Mrs.Joy. We also played different versions of this game like singing until we think it’s the right time or saying the alphabet. We also did these stretches which only like 3 people could do most of the stretches. Then Mrs.Joy said if we practiced that every day we would be able to do it. Overall, we had a blast in Why Try.
In Social Studies, we studied our states and capitals by labeling a map of the United States with states and capitals. We also played a game where we ask questions about which state Mrs. Joy was thinking of. At the end of the day, we did a challenge where we played the game but instead of the United States, we did the whole world. We had to ask yes or no questions. We had a blast in Social Studies.
On I-Ready we have been working hard on our Diagnostics. We have been doing Reading and Math on I-Ready and all of us are working very hard on them!
Nobody has been rushing and we have all almost finished them both. Some of us already have. We all have different questions and we all are seeing what our best and highest we can do! As you can see we have had a blast in I-Ready.
In Beable, we are working hard on our articles. We also did an activity where we went to different tables according to our RIASEC code. Then we talked about what our hobbies are and what we like to do.
As you can see this week we have had a blast!!! We can’t wait until the next!
We hope you will have a good week!
5th Grade Blog Team!!!!!!!! (:

August 23, 2024
Written by Fifth Grade Student Blog Team
This week we are working on so many subjects. It’s honestly really difficult to keep track. From reading to math, there are so many subjects to explore! This week we will be talking about reading, math, Why Try, Social Studies, English Language Arts, and the podcast. Learn more about the time we had this week!
This week, we are all working on Reading. Every day, we have a reading time and everybody grabs their book and starts reading! Sometimes the books could be Diary of a Wimpy Kid or it could be My Weird School! Everybody has their own level and their level only. Also, here in 4th and 5th grade, we read to learn. NOT learn to read.
In Social Studies we are reviewing 4th grade standards to get a refresher. We did a game on a few old standards using a map. We are working in small groups labeling a world map with important information. We have clue cards, and we have to figure out the answer. After we figure out the answer, we label the answer on our map.
This week in English Language Arts we are working in our Wonders workbook in groups for a few minutes. Sometimes we will read a book in the beginning of English Language Arts. We are learning about primary and secondary sources. We are also learning about the text structure “Cause and Effect”. We are reading and learning about narrative nonfiction. That is all we are doing in English Language Arts.
We had Dale’s birthday this week. We played his Birthday Kahoot which was all about him! It was so much fun! The quiz was about how good people knew Dale. Somehow Emy won, even though she is new to our school and doesn’t really know Dale.
In Why Try, we are learning about the mountain of success. Many people give up as soon as they are getting ready to accomplish something, and we are working on not giving up. We read a book about a goose named Petunia who had pride and “wisdom”. She learned how you have to put in the time and effort to accomplish something. We also did a number maze activity 3 different times to see how our frustration lessened each time we knew more about the maze. Mrs. Joy showed us the odd numbers were on the left and the even numbers were on the right after we had completed the first maze. We got better each time and felt so good after the 3rd try. That’s all we did in Why Try this week.
In Math we learned how to find volume. We also learned 2 different formulas for finding volume: B x H = Volume and L x W x H = Volume. This week we learned about composite solid figures, and we worked to decompose these figures to find the volume. Once decomposed, we found the volume of each rectangular prism and then added the totals together. We also learned how to use division to find the height if we knew the base.
As you can see, we had a VERY busy week in 5th Grade!

August 16, 2024
5th Graders are learning about volume in math! We made cubes and investigated faces. We also made paper cubes and paper rectangular prisms. We learned the difference between filling a container and packing a container in regards to finding volume. We also learned the formula for finding volume.
We are learning all about the geography of the United States in Social Studies.
We are reviewing vocabulary such as latitude, longitude, landforms, globe, map, etc. We will be memorizing all 50 states very soon!
We’ve had a great start to 5th Grade!