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February 2, 2024



1st grade

First graders did our first reading STEM challenge this week. We read a story called Ten on a Sled. Then we went through the engineering design process (ask, imagine, plan, create, and improve) to create a sled that would hold ten animals. They were given cardboard, popsicles sticks, pipe cleaners, and tape. They worked with a partner and tested their sled. Next, they had to make improvements to their sled. They were challenged to add to their sled in a way that would let it stand level and high enough to put our fingers under it. Also, it still had to hold all ten animal figures. Through this process, they recorded all of the steps with pictures and diagrams. Likewise, they had to write about every step. Lastly, we share each of our designs as a group. Both partners had to talk and explain part of their process. They all did such an amazing job. I am super proud of them!

2nd grade

Second graders have had a full week of learning. We are learning about measurement in math and had fun figuring out the length of things in our classroom in inches and feet. We even measured ourselves! We’ve been working hard on our iReady! BEABLE and Mind Play each day. We loved getting to see the show choir and band from the high school- they did a great job singing, dancing and playing their instruments

3rd grade

Mrs. Stiles: It’s a busy time in third grade! This week we are working hard on our non fiction research reports. Students are working in groups to research an animal to learn about their habitats, life cycle, physical and behavioral adaptations. In math we are working on Area and Perimeter. In reading we are learning about Main Idea and Supporting Details. 

Mrs. Ely: Things got really exciting this week in our classroom! We started doing research for our Informational Reports. The kids were very excited to dive into all of the nonfiction book tubs. We have also been working hard on finding the main idea and supporting details in Reading this week. This will really help us in our writing as well. The kids were thrilled to actually go outside some this week for recess! Their teacher was excited too!

4th grade

4th Grade has had a great week learning and growing together! 

In math, we are working on all things fractions! We are learning how to add and subtract mixed numbers. We are learning how to take a mixed number and turn it into an improper fraction. We are also learning how to find equivalent fractions using multiplication and divis

We are really stretching and growing our brains as we keep tackling multiplication of 1 digit by 4 digit numbers and 2 digit by 2 digit numbers. And, the most challenging part has been mastering division with 4 digit numbers divided by 1 number with remainders. We are learning so much!

Hold on to your hats because we have been so, so busy in reading! We are reading nonfiction articles about early Native Americans in Indiana, and we are using the Fab 4 Reading Strategies to deepen our understanding of nonfiction: Predict, Question, Clarify, and Summarize. We are also learning how to find answers in texts to prove our thinking. We are reading Historical Fiction in our afternoon read aloud time, and we have a packet we are using to reflect on our read aloud. The packet helps us analyze the setting and its impact on the struggles our characters face. We are also identifying character traits in our main characters and finding text evidence to support our ideas. We are also practicing identifying figurative language and parts of speech in our morning read aloud where we read picture books. And, we are still reading in Historical Fiction Reading Book Clubs.  Shewwww…that’s a lot!

In World of Work and Writing Workshop, we are still learning about the “A” in RIASEC (Artistic)! These people work in unstructured environments using imagination, innovation, intuition, art, and creative self-expression. We will be writing persuasive essays about World Issues. Then, we will make commercials about our World Issue. This week we worked in our World Issue Groups and chose ONE thesis for our group. We then looked back at our research and pulled out facts to support our thesis statement.

We are working hard and growing, growing, growing!

5th grade

Fifth Graders are learning so much! This week in LA, students learned how to identify fragments and run ons, and turn them into complex sentences. Students  worked on Greek prefixes and suffixes:  photo, bio, micro and -ology in Morphology.  Students took their IReady Math and Reading diagnostics – so proud of the growth they have shown! Students are also working on figurative language, writing and interpreting poems, text structure, and finishing their second persuasive essays.

In Math, students are crushing adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. Students will take part in a Fun Friday volume activity today!

In Social Studies, students are learning about Colonial times. Students are creating posters to teach their classmates about the 13 original colonies, and trying their hand at specific trades during that time period like sewing, shoe making, and more! 

We had so much fun starting our virtual tour of colonial Williamsburg. We visited William and Mary college where students practiced writing with a quill and ink and learned to cross-stitch. Then we went to a shoemaker shop and worked hard to make shoes for a customer. 


This week in science has been all about that groundhog! Students in all grades not only learned about groundhogs, but also about the complex burrows they build. We learned that groundhogs build intricate burrows that contain “rooms” called chambers that are used for sleeping, a nursery, food storage, and a water chamber. Burrows also have entrances and exits called plunge holes. They also build turn around areas. Kindergarten students made groundhog books while first and second grade students labeled the many parts of a groundhog and their burrows. Students in third, fourth, and fifth grade made burrows out of modeling clay and then labeled each part.


Cozy speech-language therapy sessions!


This week in Art we are preparing to work on art show projects.  Creating, planning, and sketching.

Students will be painting and being busy artists next week. 


This week in PE we played the fast paced game of Pirates! The class was split into 4 teams of pirates trying to steal from the main ship. If caught by a guard the pirate must replace the stolen goods and another member of their ship could try. This game is full of fun, speed and strategy!