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September 6, 2024

News from Mrs. Workman: Another wonderful week in Preschool !

This weeks theme is Community Helpers.  We spent the week learning about Veterinarians, Mail carriers, Store clerks, Teachers and Police Officers. We had two visitors come to talk to us about how they help our community.  Sue from the BC Humane Society came to tell us all about her job and brought her special friend Max the stuffed dog.   Our second visitor, Mrs. Quackenbush is the music teacher here at HES.  

News from Mrs. Sophia:

August 30, 2024

News from Mrs. Workman:

News from Mrs. Sophia: What a fun week in preschool! For the past two weeks, we have been reviewing what different families can look like and about different pets that people can have. It was so interesting to hear about everyone’s pets and their names haha! 

August 23, 2024

News from Mrs. Workman:

News from Mrs. Sophia: This week we have been learning about Families and Pets! We have also been learning about letter Mm! These kiddos are so smart! We are so excited for a great year!

August 16, 2024