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December 15, 2023


PTO has been super busy this month hosting Breakfast with Santa and Santa Shop! Thank you everyone for all of your hard work!


These preschool classes are so so excited to be in the Christmas spirit!! We have been playing outside and enjoying the beautiful Christmas weather! We’re so excited for the second half of the school year with our perfect preschoolers!!!


1st grade

irst graders read the book Don’t Let Pigeon Drive the Sleigh. Mo Willems did not disappoint us with this hilarious story. Today, the kids worked with others doing multiple math activities based on Pigeon. Of course, we listened to Christmas music the whole time.

First grade writers are working on our second small moment story. We have learned how to add multiple partner sentences to our writing. They have been able to elaborate their writing and make it so much more detailed. I’m proud of their work.

2nd grade

2nd graders have had a very busy week. We have been learning how to decompose when adding 2-digit numbers in math. We are working so hard to finish up our non-fiction books on the penguins we have been researching. Our classroom Elf continues to surprise us each day when we come into the room. I am so proud of the hard work 2nd grade put into their Winter Program. I loved watching them perform and they had so much fun. 

What a busy week in second grade!  We learned about the differences in point of view of characters and character traits when reading.  We  decomposed loads of numbers, and learned how to write a friendly letter.

We truly loved going to the high school and performing on stage to our families and friends!  The students did such a wonderful job!

The Santa Shop was a big hit too!  

3rd grade

The third grade elves have been busy! We are enjoying some holiday happenings this week like Santa Shop and gift making! We are continuing to work hard too! We are determined to finish out the semester strong!!  We are looking forward to next week when we kick off our celebrations with many fun activities! We want to wish you all a very happy holiday season! Thank you so much for sharing the gift of your children with us! 

We’ve been very busy this week! We are wrapping up all our units in every subject. We took our Unit 4 division test in math and the scores were amazing!!!!!

We’ve been making our parent gifts for Christmas along with celebrating holidays from around the world. We are looking forward to Grinch Day next week and finishing up the last 3 days before winter break! 

Happy Holidays from third grade! We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas!!

4th grade

In World of Work, we continued on with our “Artistic” project this week. We worked in our research groups to find facts about our world issues.  We entered our facts into our electronic

notebooks where we are collecting all of our thoughts, reactions, questions and facts. We will be writing persuasive essays. Then, we will use all we learn to make commercials and advertisements. In Math, we began learning how to divide 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We are learning the standard algorithm using a strategy called top and bottom. Our brains are being stretched! 
In Social Studies, we got into groups and became experts on one region in Indiana. Then, we shared our information as a whole group. We created a study guide for our upcoming test. We also played a Kahoot to review the 3 Physical Regions. 

We began our week with a huge popcorn party to celebrate Indiana’s 207th birthday. We had so many different kinds of popcorn (Indiana’s snack). We are ending our week by making and eating Indiana!!! Stay tuned! 

5th grade

Fifth Graders are having a blast with their giving and receiving Advent Calendar! This week they made thank you notes to the Cooks, Mrs. Bruner, Mrs. Whitcomb, and Kim and Cody! They received:  candy kisses, time to create snow scenes from shaving cream, eating lunch in the classroom, and extra recess. Students also got to decorate the classroom doors! Still, we are working hard in every subject! In math, dividing with two numbers in the divisor is new- but fifth graders are really catching on! In Language Arts, using R.A.C.E. ( restate, answer, cite evidence, and explain the evidence) is being used to answer questions with non-fiction texts. Students are also writing persuasive papers about school pets in the classroom! (Maybe Mrs. Bruner will be persuaded!) Students are also trying their hand at poetry! In Social Studies, students are learning about all the explorers that came to the new world. Marco Polo isn’t just a game! 🙂

 We wish you all a safe and  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


Scientist of the Week:  Scarlett Record

Students saw how the shape of snowflakes causes them to look like the color of light that is shining on them. In the activity, Wax Paper Snowflake, students created a decorative snowflake and investigated how to make something transparent look white. Students used wax paper and liquid glue to make a snowflake. They had to let it dry for a couple days then they carefully peeled the snowflake from the wax paper. 


In art this week we took a break from creating a big project.  The students had fun making penguins and creative backgrounds.