November 3, 2023
We’re getting the sugar flowing early here in Pre-K. Thank you, Hudson, for hosting a great party!

This week has been a BLAST in kindergarten! We have enjoyed the school Halloween parade and our classroom party. Please check out the photos from this week!
1st grade
On Halloween, first graders solved a math mystery. Someone stole our bag of candy. We had to complete several tasks to eliminate our “suspects” based on their costume. It was a great review of math skills. The ghost stole the candy bag!

In social studies first graders are learning to identify similarities and differences among classmates. They surveyed their friends to discover similar and different interests. They are also learning speaking and listening skills. They interviewed each other and asked the following questions: What makes you special?
What are you good at?
What can I learn from you?

2nd grade
We had a blast dressing up!
We went for a walk and found our perfect leaf to describe using adjectives. We made an acrostic poem about LEAVES.

Second graders learned more about A for Artistic as our focus this week in our RIASEC letters. We learned all about jobs. Artistic people can do, and then one of our lessons, learned about origami and concluded our lessons, making origami dog and a boat. We are still working on solving two step word, problems, and learning about how we can apply them to real world situations. We have two amazing IU students in our room each week they do a great job of helping us as we grow and learn. We had a great time at the dress up costume parade, and as you can see, second graders, went all out with their costumes!

3rd grade
We are busy learning new and exciting things in third grade! We have started our Math unit on multiplication and division! The kids are doing great! In Social Studies this week we used map scales to calculate the distance between cities. This was a fun and challenging new skill for us! It’s been a good week and we look forward to seeing many of our families next week for the Family Lunch on November 8th.

Third graders had a wonderful day!!!! We did a stem challenge with seeing who could make the tallest tower out of candy corn. We had ice cream pumpkin floats, solved some Halloween task card riddles, and ran off a lot of energy with some fun brain breaks!!!
We have worked so hard this week in all subjects. We are learning how to write persuasive essays in writing. We have learned 3 new strategies for solving multiplication problems.

4th grade
4th Grade is still learning about the “I” in the RIASEC code. We continued making our paper airplane throws this week, and then we began analyzing and evaluating the data to infer why certain planes flew further than others. There was some excellent discussion!
In Math, some of us played a multiplication Blooket while others worked hard on practicing subtracting with regrouping. We finished Unit 4 in Math, and now we’re moving on to factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers.
In Social Studies, we finished finding the latitude and longitude for places in Indiana. We are enjoying learning all about Indiana.
We’ve been busy in 4th Grade!

5th grade
Fifth graders had a busy week! Students mastered multi-digit multiplication using the standard algorithm. We used Skittles as the place value holder – and ok, as a bit of a motivator. They could eat the skittles after a correct answer! These students are ready to rock their Unit test- and long division- here we come!
This week, students worked on skills in reading an informative article, such as: the writer’s purpose, finding context clues, and using R.A.C.E. to write a response by finding text evidence to support their answers. Students learned new prefix and suffix meanings such as: -ing, fore-, -ed, sup-, -est, and multi- . Fifth graders continued on their Wonder journey, exploring dialogue, figurative language, and comparing characters’ perspectives.
In Social Studies, students are creating Native American dwellings, and a slide presentation about their tribe and region. These will be on display during our Family Thanksgiving Luncheon, so please- come on down and take a look!
Our very first of many guest speakers will be joining us tomorrow in our World of Work study! Thank you, Mr. Middleton, for teaching us about your career!

Scientist of the Week: Eyan Stanley

This week in science:
Third, fourth, and fifth grade classes have been busy with a fall STEM challenge. In this challenge, students design and build a device that will propel a candy pumpkin through the air. All students received the same materials and had the same amount of time. Students had specific constraints to keep in mind while building their device and launching the pumpkin. The end of the challenge will culminate in a distance competition. The engineering design process was used to imagine, plane, create, test, improve, and reflect. We also watched a few clips of “Punkin Chunkin” competitions for inspiration. They had worked hard, persevered when things didn’t go their way, and had fun!