August 25, 2023
PreK had a great time this week bringing the outdoors in so we didn’t melt in the heat. We had fun visits with Principal Bruner and we even enjoyed watching our new playground get installed and imagining all the fun we’re going to have in our new outdoor space!

We have enjoyed another WONDERFUL week in kindergarten! We have been learning how to talk and share our thoughts with the class, and with partners. We are learning how to talk with others and how to listen when someone is talking.
We follow these steps when talking with our partners. We think about the topic, then we share with our partner, and finally we share what our partner said with the whole class.
Please check out the photos from this week in kindergarten!
1st grade
First graders have been learning about what math is. We have learned how to be curious by noticing and wondering about things. Today, we explored how each of us have superpowers for math. We dressed up like superheroes and identified our strengths with math. We talked with partners about our insights and then drew a self portrait of ourselves as superheroes with math superpowers. The kids were so excited about learning about how they think about math.
First graders also went to a performance of Babar on Friday! The crowns were a big hit!!!

2nd grade
2nd grade spent the week exploring in math solving problems using Base 10 blocks and starting to learn about personal narratives (small moments) in writing. We had so much fun on our field trip to hear the story of Babar the Elephant.

3rd grade
Mrs. Ely’s third grade had a blast building cup towers during our STEM project this past Friday! At the end of the project, we all agreed that teamwork was the key to success!
We have been working hard on this week’s vocabulary words that go with our story, Pinduli by Janell Cannon!
As you might have heard, we have been raising monarch caterpillars! We now have 4 that are in the chrysalis stage and we have a couple of more that are getting close! We will be sure to keep you updated on their progress!

This week Mrs. Stiles’ third graders are using their new math manipulatives to solve place value problems. We are practicing writing numbers in standard, expanded, and word form. In writing we are learning to take notes on text we have read.

4th grade
4th Grade has been a busy place this past week. We are still settling in, learning routines, and expectations. Everyone is doing a great job!
I’m math, we’ve been reviewing place value. We’ve been working on the value of a digit and how the value changes) as it moves to different places in a number. We’ve been working on expanded, standard, and word forms.
We have been playing 99 Math to increase our fluency with multiplication facts. Our class, as a whole, answered 2,460 math facts in 10 minutes. Wow!
We are working on the Fab 4 Reading Strategies, and this week we are focusing on predicting. We have been working with partners to practice predictions in shared texts.
We are excited for this school year!

5th grade
Fifth Graders are excited about so many things this week! Almost all hands went up to try out for Ambassadors! They are also excited about the timelines they are making . The creativity we are seeing is off the charts!! These will be displayed in the classroom for all to see. In Math, students are learning about place value in decimals. Largest Millions is a favorite game for now! Students are also excited to begin our new novel, Wonder, by R.J. Palacio. As we read, we will be identifying and comparing character qualities and creating our own precepts. We are also working on common, proper, and possessive nouns. In Morphology, we are creating words that begin with the prefixes: under-, sub-, and multi-. Social Studies was a blast as we played Battleship using lines of latitude and longitude! We will be starting our States and Capitals Regions Club this week as well. What a busy week!

Scientist of the Week: Eli Fisher

This week in science, students continued learning the steps of the scientific method. This week focused more on an investigative lab. Students in 4th and 5th grade tested two different types of bubble gum to see which could blow the biggest bubble. Students researched how bubble gum is made, how to blow a bubble, and even the biggest bubble ever blown on record. They then made the hypothesis and conducted their experiment. Students worked with a partner to help measure and record their results.

This week in Art, students are working on Art To Remember projects. We have a variety of drawings. They will be bringing order forms for this fundraiser soon.

Speech with Mrs. Williams
Speech-Language Therapy is a zoo! This is a fantastic game that can target so many communication skills! Students give clues to help each other figure out what animal they are!

Mrs. Whitcomb – Counseling
Mrs. Ely’s class learning some coping skills!