May 5, 2023
We’ve had a busy week building and making cool creations in preschool! We’ve also had an amazing time writing fun stories to accompany our adventures in growing bean seeds. I love watching our amazing kiddos explore and investigate. We have some great inventors on our team! Go Tigers!

In Social Studies, we began our Kindergarten Junior Achievement lessons.
- We learning these vocabulary words: save, earn, goods, services
- We are learning ways people spend and save money.
- We are learning how people can earn money.
In OG,
- We are learning about the digraph th.
- We are learning how to blend and segment words with the digraph th.
- We are reading, spelling and writing words with the digraph th (like in thumb).
- We are learning the red words: come, her
In Math,
- We are creating and solving addition and subtraction story problems.
In Writing,
- We are studying nonfiction books written by nonfiction authors.
- We are writing nonfiction books about animals.
In Reading,
- We are learning the features of nonfiction books.
- We are locating the features of nonfiction books.

1st grade
First graders completed a persuasive writing activity to convince their parents to let them adopt their dream pet!

This week in first grade, we continued to read books in our character book clubs. We focused on learning about our character, their problems/solutions, and the lesson they learned in the story. In writing, we finished and published our persuasive letters for a pet. We worked hard on creating hooks and persuasive reasons. Mathematicians learned how to add 2 digit numbers with regrouping. We learned how to solve these problems using place value blocks and by recording a 1 in the tens place to show how we regrouped the ones. In Junior Achievement, first graders learned about jobs people can have in their communities. We explored the goods and services people provide. At the end of the week, we read some fun stories in honor of Cinco de Mayo. We ate chips and salsa while we listened to the story, Chicks and Salsa. It was yummy fun!

First graders learned about Cinco de Mayo today. We ate chips and salsa while we listened to the book, Chicks and Salsa. Last, we read the book Dragons Love Tacos. Monday we will read Dragons Love Tacos 2 The Sequel!!!
2nd grade
2nd graders have been working on 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction this week. They are becoming great problem solvers and really read with the purpose of dissecting word problems. We have also been reviewing multiplication facts and concepts we have learned throughout the year. We will continue to add a review of skills until the end of the year. In reading, we read the book “The Three Little Javelinas” and focused on comparing and contrasting fairy tales. We read several different versions of The Three Little Pigs. We also had fun with our Readers Theater version of the story. iReady is in full swing and we are seeing crazy growth and the students are showing pride in how far they have come. 2nd Grade is in full swing popping balloons each day to see what our next “fun thing” will be we are doing as we continue our countdown to the last day of school!

3rd grade
In third grade we’ve been very busy!
I’m writing we are writing adapted versions of Cinderella. Students are coming up with their own story, but following the story line of this classic tale.
We got our last update of our cow. Darcy is now 8 months old and weighs 550 pounds!!!
We started learning how to write in cursive; we’ve learned 10 letters is far!

4th grade
Mrs. Joy’s 4th Grade has been finishing iLearn testing and completing other district assessments, but we still found time to play, too. We played a multiplication puzzle game that made our brains hurt! Lol

5th grade
Fifth grade is working hard writing biographies for their Night at the Wax Museum! Students can’t wait to show off their famous Americans! Fifth graders also planted seeds in both a Tower Garden and a classroom greenhouse. The plants are taking off so well that we were able to have a Salad Party! We harvested the lettuce and herbs, made a salad, and students donated some salad dressing and we ate what we grew! What an awesome experience!

Scientist of the Week: Lydia Irish

This week in science, first grade students examined structures like roots, branches, and leaves that keep trees from blowing down. They used their observations to create their own tree-inspired umbrellas that stay up in the wind.
Fifth grade students have been busy researching one of five environmental problems and a possible solution. They are turning their research into a Google slides presentation.

Speech with Mrs. Williams
This week, all kindergarten, first, and fourth grade students had their hearing screened. If you don’t receive a note from me, your student passed!

World of Work