February 10, 2023
Even though snowmen still decorate our classroom, HES preschoolers managed to sneak out for recess several afternoons (once there was enough sun to see our shadows)! We’ve been working with numbers by sorting Goldfish crackers and counting down to Valentine’s Day while learning about feelings and emotions by reading stories like Bear Feels Sick and Too Many Tamales! We’ve had fun decorating our Valentine bags and making our family Valentines as well!

Kindergarten enjoyed getting outside this week to play with their friends. The weather has been so nice! They are learning how to tell time to the hour and using positional words to describe the location of 2D and 3D shapes.

Both classes are studying the writing of Lois Ehlert, David Shannon, and Mo Willems so they can learn ways to make their writing easier for others to read.
Kindergarten students are using super reading strategies to help them figure out tricky words. They are asking themselves these questions… Does it look right? Does it make sense? Does it sound right?
1st grade
This week in math, first graders explored 2D shapes. They used pattern blocks to make composite shapes. Then they created pictures using a variety of the blocks.
In writer’s workshop, they brought in a collection of 4-5 items. They worked on describing each of their items to a partner. Then they chose their “Best in Show”. They will learn how to write a review about their Best in Show that includes a structured paragraph with reasons.

Mrs. Garman’s first grade students have been working on their All About books. They published their work this week and had a celebration! Listen to a few of them read! We are so proud of them!
2nd grade
Second grade as been working on counting coins and dollars to help them solve money word problems. They are getting really good at this skill! In Reading they are learning about Point of View (1st/3rd Person) and reading a book called “Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch.” They got to make Mr. Hatch and write about him to wrap up their week.

3rd grade
Third graders have been very busy!! In honor of President’s Day, they have been learning all about the jobs and roles of being a president. They made posters to show what they would do if they were to become president.
Third graders are also studying the life cycles of animals. They have been conducting research for their informational reports.

4th grade
Mrs. Joy’s class started their Geometry unit this week. They have been using their arms to make acute, obtuse, and right angles. They also used a folded circle that made a right angle to find 90 degree angles in our room.

5th grade
This week, fifth graders have been finishing up talking about the 13 colonies. They have been comparing the colonial regions and studying what life was like for early American settlers. They even practiced with a game show!
In math, 5th graders have become experts in multiplying fractions using both models and equations.
In writing, each student has picked a topic for their persuasive essays. They are choosing school and community topics that they are passionate about, and they are more than ready to persuade the HES staff, their classmates, and even their parents on their opinions! (Strawberry Milk in the cafeteria is a hot topic!)

5th Grade Ambassadors
Our Student Ambassadors have been preparing for a Valen-drive! This will begin February 13th and end on the 17th! Food will be collected for Mother’s Cupboard. The students are so happy to help out in the community. Please send any nonperishable item to school next week to help out! Thank you!!

The Trash Bag Fundraiser is due Monday February 13, 2023.
Our next Movie Night will be February 24, 2023 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Scientists of the Week goes to our Science Bowl Team! They did a great job this year! They competed in the Small School Class and were 22nd in the state!

In honor of Groundhog Day, Mrs. Silbaughs’ classes completed a simple machines STEM challenge. Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades made the very old, tired, and lazy groundhog an elevator. Students worked in groups of 2 and 3 and used only the supplies they were given to complete their STEM challenge. They were very creative and worked so well together! #STEM

In PE this week students practiced throwing frisbees! They tossed with a partner and then tried to hit some trick shots through hula hoops! The kids loved it and it helped them move their bodies and use their imagination!

In Art class this week students have been preparing and beginning to work on the school art show projects. They have a variety of paintings on canvas, watercolor, pencil drawings, oil pastels, and mixed media. The students have had a fun week being creative.

Speech and Language with Mrs. Williams
Here are a few of the great books that we are reading in speech-language therapy! Books are a great way to work on listening comprehension, vocabulary, and story-retelling skills. I especially love the books by Robert Munsch in this picture!

Counselor’s Corner
Hello! My name is Carrie Jones and I am in my first year as the school counselor at Helmsburg. I have been working as a school counselor for almost 9 years and truly love the opportunity I have to work with students, families, and communities.
I first began my career as a school counselor working at the high school level. After four years, I moved to the middle school level. Now, I am rounding out my school counseling experience working with the elementary age group.
My time at each building level has been truly unique and rewarding. Growing up, I realized how important it was for students like me to have a grown up who cared about them and listened to them in addition to those they already had in their lives. Research shows that students who have positive relationships with more than one adult are more likely to manage stress well and have positive self esteem. I realized that one day, I would strive to be that person for the students I would encounter.
My day to day activities are largely flexible based on the variety of needs expressed. An ongoing need that students seem to face is the ability to recognize their feelings and learn how to regulate them. Although this skill is expected within society, it is not something we are born knowing how to do. Just like being taught to read, write, and solve a math problem, emotional recognition and regulation is something we each need to be taught.
As a result of this need, I have been working on “Zones of Regulation” with various students over the past two weeks. “Zones of Regulation” is a helpful strategy designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control. The curriculum breaks down the 34,000 distinguishable feelings a person might experience into 4 zones: blue, green, yellow, and red (I have included a graphic to show examples of the zones below).
In addition to identifying their feelings, students are also able to identify tools that help them manage that feeling adaptively. So far, these lessons have provided great discussion with students and I am excited to work with students to enhance this essential life skill over the coming weeks. Thank you for trusting me with the opportunity to work with your students. This is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this community!
Spelling Bee Champion
Aesop Birkemeier is our Spelling Bee Champion for Helmsburg ! He will compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Bloomington at 11:30 a.m. on February 25, 2023! #WorldClassOpportunities

Mobile Dentist
The Mobile Dentist is coming back to our elementary schools and will serve grades K-5. They will be at Helmsburg March 10th. Packets were sent home January 30th. Please fill them out and send them back to your child’s school by February 21st. This allows us time to process if your child qualifies to be seen.
Beable and the World of Work
Junior Achievement of Central Indiana is a nonprofit that inspires and prepares young people for success. JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. This popular learning experience allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. Students are able to connect the dots between what they learn in school and the real world.
Our 5th grade students are currently learning about jobs they can have while running BizTown. They will begin the interview process for their chosen jobs in March. This experience is like no other and we are really excited to run the town!
These photos are from last year’s trip! Enjoy!