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3rd Grade

March 7, 2025

Wow! What a week we have had! We started it off by taking IREAD! The kids did fantastic and we are very proud of the effort they all put towards the test! We are typing our Informational Reports this week as well! We have been working on these for a very long time and it is amazing watching all that hard work come together! We are looking forward to Spring Break! Have a fabulous week! We will see you all on March 17th! Don’t forget to wear your green!

February 28, 2025

Third graders have spent their mornings this week reviewing and preparing for IREAD. We are ready to rock this test! We are finishing up our Informational Reports in Writing and will be typing them next week. In Math, we are learning how to compare fractions. We will finish up this unit and test over it next week! We took advantage of the mild weather and slipped outside for an extra recess! We are learning that if we “work hard”, we can “play hard” too! Thanks again for all that you do at home to support us here at school! We make a great team!

February 14, 2025

Third graders have had a great week so far! In Reading, we are learning to identify the Problems and Solutions in stories. In Math, we are learning about Equivalent Fractions and modeling them on a number line. In Writing, we continue to research our animals and gather information for our Informational Text Essay. We are looking forward to Friday afternoon, when we share our Valentines with each other! Thanks so much for sharing your kiddos with us!

February 7, 2025

Third graders have had a fantastic week! In Reading, we have worked with partners to answer questions and use evidence from the text to support our answers. We are learning to look for clues and special words to help us sequence the events in a text. In Math, we are learning about fractions greater than one whole. We are excited to be researching our animals for our Informational Essays. Thanks for another great week! Everyone stay healthy! 

January 31, 2025

Wow! What a week it has been so far! On Friday, we celebrated our 100th Day of School! We built Lego towers using 100 bricks. It was an exciting STEM Challenge!  On Monday, we had the schoolwide Spelling Bee. Our 3rd Graders did awesome! One of the highlights of our week was that we actually got to go outside for recess! It was nice to finally get some fresh air! We continue to learn about Fractions in Math and Folktales in Reading! It’s been a great week. We have worked hard and played hard!

January 23, 2025

Last Friday, we celebrated being back at school with a fun STEM project! We made snowmen! It was “snow” much fun!

This week in third grade, we have been learning about fractions and how to represent them on a number line. We took our iReady Diagnostic Assessment to see how much we have grown in Math and Reading so far this year and we took the second iLearn Checkpoint.

Although it’s been cold outside, we have enjoyed reading some good books in our warm classrooms! We are looking forward to a regular week next!

December 13, 2024

Our third-grade classroom has been full of excitement this week! We wrapped up our division unit. The students wrote persuasive essays to convince Santa why they’d make great elves, and their creative ideas were both impressive and adorable. In Reading, we have been reading about the Earth.  Everyone is looking forward to the last week before Christmas break.

December 6, 2024

Third grade has been working very hard. This week we have been working on solving division problems using arrays. In writing we are writing persuasive essays to Santa to hire us as an elf. We are excited to learn about different holidays around the world and participate in Grinch Day. 

November 22, 2024

This week, our third graders had a great time working in small groups. They practiced sharing ideas, solving problems together, and helping one another. It was amazing to see them grow more confident as they worked through different activities. Their teamwork and positive attitudes truly stood out. Great job, third grade!

November 15, 2024

This week in third grade we are wrapping up our Multiplication unit. We are excited to learn Division next!! In writing we are typing our first persuasive letters. After Thanksgiving break we will be writing holiday persuasive letters. Next week we will be learning about the Macy’s Day parade and making balloon animals for our own parade! It will be great way to kick off the exciting holiday season!!!! 

November 8, 2024

Our third graders gathered to celebrate the joys of fall with a fun-filled day of crafts, games, and snacks. The students created fall array houses, listened to music, and played themed games together. There was a lot of laughter and smiles. It was a wonderful day that brought all the third graders together for fall activities.

November 1, 2024

We have been so busy in third grade this week! In math we are learning multiple strategies for solving multiplication problems. We have learned 5 ways! In writing we are learning to write persuasive letters. We have learned important features for these letters and the purpose of why they are written. In reading we learned about compare and contrast and why the author describes articles and texts this way. We are having our fall party on Friday and we are so excited! 

October 25, 2024

This week, our third graders have officially started a brand-new unit on multiplication. We have been focusing on two key strategies: using equal groups and arrays to solve multiplication problems.

The students have been hands-on, using tiles to create their own arrays, and make monster arrays which is not only helping them visualize multiplication but also making learning fun! 

It’s been a fantastic start, and we’re looking forward to seeing their skills grow throughout this unit. Keep up the great work, third graders!

October 18, 2024

We have had a great week in third grade! We had so many amazing awards to give out for first nine weeks. Our students worked so hard to earn Honor Roll, attendance, Amazing Effort, and Citizenship awards. We are so proud of them!! We are looking forward to another great nine weeks! We are starting to learn multiplication in math, which is very exciting!! In writing, we will begin our new unit over Persuasive Writing. 

October 4, 2024

As we approach Fall Break, the excitement in our classroom is contagious! Our third graders are pictured enjoying lunch together, filled with laughter and friendship. We encourage everyone to take this time to relax and create wonderful memories with family and friends. We can’t wait to hear all about the adventures they have when we return! Happy Fall Break.

September 27, 2024

Third grade has worked very hard this week! In math we are practicing counting money. In reading we are learning about sentence structure and the 4 types of sentences. In writing we are editing our narrative stories by adding details from the nonfiction articles and feeling/emotions. We are excited for fall break soon and are looking forward to starting the second nine weeks! 

September 20, 2024

This week in third grade, we’re wrapping up our unit on place value and will dive into counting money next week! In grammar, we’ve been exploring pronouns, and next week we’ll learn about regular and irregular plural nouns. In social studies, we’re discovering the diverse structures found across the United States in our geography lessons. Exciting things are happening!

September 13, 2024

It’s a been a great week in Third grade!!! We made dream catchers to go along with the book we’ve been reading in our new Wonders reading curriculum. The story taught us how different cultures honor different things. In math we are finishing up our Place Value/ Addition Subtraction unit. We are excited to start learning multiplication soon!! In writing we are drafting our narrative stories in the Wonders app! We are so excited to learn more about this online program! We are working very hard and learning so many new things every day! 

September 6, 2024

We’ve been having a great time in third grade! Our students have been using IReady to practice their reading and math skills through fun online activities. In reading, we’re learning the RACE strategy to help answer questions better: Restate the question, Answer it, Cite evidence from the text, and Explain how the evidence supports the answer. In math, we’re focusing on adding and subtracting 3-digits numbers using standard methods. The kids are doing a fantastic job, and they’re excited to keep learning.

August 30, 2024

It’s a great time to be a third grader!!! We have had a wonderful week!! 

In writing we are working on note taking skills in preparation for planning out our narrative writing. In math we are learning different strategies for solving 3-digit addition and subtraction problems. In reading we have been exploring our first unit in Wonders: Narrative Nonfiction. We have been so busy learning and growing each day!! 

August 23, 2024

This week in third grade has been full of exciting activities and learning experiences. Here’s a peek into what we’ve been up to:

Our math lessons have been buzzing with energy as we dive into rounding and place value. The students have been mastering how to round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred, and understanding the value of each digit in a number. It’s been wonderful to see their confidence grow as they practice these skills through fun and engaging activities!

In reading, we’ve been reading the story Room to Grow. This book has sparked discussions about community and culture. The students have been sharing their thoughts and ideas about how different communities come together and support each other.

We have been working on IReady diagnostics in math and reading. These assessments give us valuable insights into each student’s strengths and areas for growth, allowing us to provide targeted support and enrichment.

Today was a highlight of the week as we took a field trip to see the musical Mooch The Magnificent. The students were absolutely captivated by the lively music and the engaging performances. The question and answer session that followed the show was a big hit, allowing the kids to interact with the performers and learn more about the production process.

Overall, it’s been a week filled with learning, creativity, and lots of fun. We’re so proud of how our students are growing and can’t wait to see what the next week brings!

Mrs. Stiles and Mrs. Dinsmore

Third Grade Teachers

August 16, 2024

We are so excited to be back in school!!! In third grade we are already learning so many new things!! In math we tried out a new app called Boddle. It has some really fun math games on it! We are working on place value and rounding in math. 

Last week we completed a marshmallow stem challenge where we saw who could make the tallest tower! It was sticky, but fun!

We are looking forward to an amazing year of learning and fun in third grade!!