May 10, 2024
Senior Class Notes for the end of the Year!
- Summa Cum Laude Banquet set for Monday, May 13 at 6:00. This banquet honors our students who are graduating with a 4.0 GPA or higher.
- Senior Slideshow: We need 2 photos of every senior emailed to seniorslides@browncountyschools.com. This slideshow will be played prior to graduation at the music center and in the auditorium when seniors arrive at school on the morning of graduation.
- Victory Tour: Seniors will be returning to tour their elementary school on the last day of school (May 23). Seniors will meet in the auxiliary gym before touring the high school and boarding the bus to return to their elementary school.
- Graduation Speakers: Auditions to speak at graduation begin next week. If you would like to be included in those auditions please see us in the office ASAP!
- Graduation Practice: May 31 @ 8:30am at the Brown County Music Center. Attendance at practice is mandatory. Please see Mr. Austin if you cannot make it to practice.
- Graduation: June 1 @ 11:00 at the Brown County Music Center.