August 30, 2024
Check out another fabulous week at Sprunica!
This week in art class, students have started their Art To Remember fundraiser art work. Students will be bringing an order sheet home in September/October.

Third Grade
Third graders learned all about their RIASEC score and started exploring their future. We have future nurses, baristas, engineers, truck drivers, scientists, and much more!

Fifth Grade
5th graders helped to weed the playground! They also researched the elements of historical fiction and created a class anchor chart for science fiction.

This week we learned how to use labels in writing. We learned to stretch out each word so that we may identify each sound and know what letter to write! We also continued to practice one to one matching while we read. We are now fluently reading our sight word books! We practiced our red word “can” using shaving cream and sand. And of course, we had fun!