May 5, 2023
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
This week we celebrated our amazing teachers and staff! We are so grateful to have such amazing people working at Sprunica!

The first two pictures of Averi and Jax are 4th-grade chain reaction machines. The picture with Kenzie, James, and Avery K. was the 3rd grade VEX compound machines. The last picture (the lunch one) are the students who won lunch with Mrs. Magner for getting at least one 100% on a test or project in Science!
4th Grade Cereal Boxes
4th-grade students got creative and made new cereals based on books they read. They also gave details about important parts of the story as well as information about the author. These are cereal boxes you are sure to read while enjoying your breakfast!

Fun in PE!
Students learned a triangle dance this week in PE. Check out these sweet moves!

3rd Grade Math
3rd Graders have been working on finding the area of rectangles.

2nd Grade Fun!
2nd grade is counting down to summer vacation. Each day they pop a balloon to find out what exciting prize or activity they will be awarded the following school day! Their first balloon revealed blow-pop suckers. They also played summer bingo (with prizes!) and had a shaving cream day!

Kindergarten is celebrating each of its amazing students by dedicating one day to each of them! On this day they are the STAR of the class! They get to wear their most favorite outfit, bring a show and tell, sit in the special booth, and be a part of the Mrs. Hanus/Miss Dunkley show. Then the class writes a special book just for them!

Pre-Schoolers are loving life! Check out these smiles!

1st Grade
1st Grade has been having a blast! They enjoyed story time with Mrs. Sechler, bid farewell to their IU student, and enjoyed Kona Ice!

World of Work Guest Speaker
Kindergarten had another guest speaker come to their classes! Shelby Gordon, nurse (and Mrs. Magnor’s sister/Hudson’s aunt) came to visit! Kindergarten learned about her job as a Nurse and asked some really great questions. She shared her love of math and science, talked about the tools she used each day, and made them all very excited to explore this career even more! After she talked to them about her job, which includes working with patients that have certain blood disorders, they each received a red heart. They even explored some of the tools she brought to show us! Thank you so much!