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Week of March 17, 2025


Future kindergartners are practicing writing and recognizing the letters in their names!

This week Preschool started a study of Spring weather and Plants/Flowers. We discussed rain and storms, how rainbows are made, and what plants need to grow in the Springtime. We will continue this unit into next week.


Kindergarten students in room 200 came in to a big surprise Monday morning. Their classroom had been visited by a leprechaun! He left tiny green footprints all over, covered the room in green streamers, wrote our morning message upside down, turned the water in our toilet green, and even left some jewels and gold in our pencil boxes.  

First Grade

 This week in first grade we have: 

1). Worked on addition facts 

2). Learned about how plants grow

3). Wrote using transition words “first, then, next, last” 

4). Learned about suffix endings in phonics 

5). Learned about The Statue of Liberty

Second Grade

The second grade had fun today celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. We all wore green and did some color sheets. We also made our rainbows with pots of gold under it. The students had a great time making them and having them for snack. 

Third Grade

Third graders are having fun using Nearpod to do an interactive math lesson on lines, line segments, points and rays. 

Because 100% of Third Grade Students passed their iRead test, Mr. Pagnard had to shave his beard.

Fourth Grade

Fourth graders work so hard everyday. They love completing their ELA centers. We added an extra center time during the day for some cursive writing practice, symmetry pictures and alphabetizing words. We also had a few more students pass a level in XtraMath.

Fifth Grade

5th graders spent some time learning about their RIASEC scores and exploring career opportunities! They then had some fun decorating their “paperdoll” as their future self! 


1st grade computer scientists jumped into learning more about coding and programming this week. Specifically they learned about repeated loops in programming and how programmers use them to be more efficient with programming. Students also learned why efficiency is important in programming.

4th grade geologists finished up their unit this week on rocks and how they are formed. Topics covered were weathering and erosion. Students took a test to show off what they have learned during the birth of rocks unit. They finished up the week by celebrating with rock day. Students brought in rock collections and shared what they know about their rocks based on what they learned in the unit. Students loved sharing their rocks.

STEM Student of The Week – Braden (Rooster) Zavela

Ms. Forest, School Counselor

Teamwork in action!!

World Down Syndrome Day

In honor of Colson, VB students wore crazy socks to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day and had a Sock Hop during our Friday convocation.

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