Pre School Fun!!!

This week in Kindergarten we have been working on adding details to our illustrations of people. We drew our self portraits and displayed them on our class bulletin board.

First Grade
We had a great week in 1st grade! We explored different things we could write about this week. We even turned on our “Creative Lights” in our room!
1). We’ve been completing the rest of our math and reading diagnostics for IReady and are entering into the reading leveling phase. We have some strong readers in here so I’m looking forward to what their levels are! 🙂
2). In math, we’ve been grouping similar attributes to arrive at a number sentence we matched to 10-frames. We are on to discovering complex patterns in geometry and learning about vertices in shapes.
3). In social studies, we’ve been learning about the importance of national symbols like our American flag, the Statue of Liberty, and special holidays we celebrate plus their historic behind them.
4). We’ve begun our red word writing for our Orton-Gillingham phonics program. The children are making me so very happy with how well they are working so diligently! 🙂

2nd Grade
In the second grade the students are working hard on finding the main ideas of a story, identifying three digit numbers in math, and labeling the continents in social studies.

Third Graders
This week in third grade students started talking about reading goals and set their end of the year reading goal for themselves. We will be talking more about goals in the next couple of weeks. We finished up a unit on telling time and are continuing to work on RACE Writing. This week we will begin to look closer at what the letters mean in our RIASEC score and our looking forward to exploring the letter R!

Fourth Grade
Fourth grade mathematicians started a new unit this week-addition and subtraction.

Fifth Grade
In math, the students are continuing to work on place value. They are doing well! We are still working on places to the left of the decimal point. Next week, we will learn about numbers to the right of the decimal point.
In social studies, the students are working hard to create physical US maps, learn the location of their states, and learn the state capitals. We are ready to add the pictures of our State Superstars to our hallway bulletin board! The students are excited to show off their knowledge on the test next Wednesday.
We also have some classroom champs working hard on Beable! Right now, our leaderboard has three boys in the top 3 places. Come on girls!
In 5th grade ELA this week we continued working on our ACTIVE reading skills with inferring and visualizing. We have become very proficient in writing summaries! Our Greek/Latin roots this week really help us with many math and science terms because our roots are cycl, circum, and center.
On Friday we will dive into our RIASEC codes and create our RIASEC shields and badges!

Kindergarten – This week in science we learned about special ways that animals look for food. We looked how animals use their physical features and actions to find and eat food. This included some time pretending to be some animals to show how they use these features (beaks, paws, trunks, etc.).
1st Grade – This week we continued our “Animal Superpowers” unit. This week we pretended to be rescuers and matched baby animals with their parents. We also learned how bird beaks are like a superpower for animal and how each beak serves the purpose for eating in different environments for different birds. We did an experiment to find out why beaks are different for different birds. We got to use model beaks (duck and warbler beaks) to eat model food to see which beak was best suited for each bird’s habitat.
2nd Grade – This week we flew further into our animal adventures unit. I used the word flew because this week we studied butterflies and their adaptations. We specifically learned about their colors and how they have adapted to use these colors for survival. We made our own butterflies.
3rd Grade – This week 3rd graders continued our unit called “Animals through time”. We finished learning how habitats and animals change over time. We then continued learning about fossils and began learning about dinosaurs. We learned how fossils can teach us about dinosaurs. We did an activity where we compared dinosaur bones to modern animal bones to decide what dinosaurs ate and what they looked like. We learned what an omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore are.
4th Grade – This week 4th graders learned more about natural selection and human selection. We then moved on to focus more on traits. Specifically, we discussed human traits. We learned about how human traits can be affected by the environment. We finished up the week doing some experiments and observations to learn what would happen to human/animal traits if we lived in space.
5th Grade – This week we began to learn about ecosystems. We did a cool experiment with balloons to figure out if air ways’ anything and to see if plants actually gain wait from air. It turns out plants gain weight by taking in air and water. We then began to learn about decomposers in our ecosystem. We finished the week by building mold terrariums so that we can see what happens with fungal decomposition.

Physical Education
PE we have been working on cooperative team work games and our daily workout starts each PE class.

School Nurse
Hello Everyone! It has been a great start to the year! Here is some information from the health office this week. The “back to school germs” are back, and the extreme heat is not helping. Lets please make sure our students are staying hydrated, eating healthy, and getting a good amount of sleep at night. This will help our immune systems stay strong and fight away any germs we contact. Students, washing our hands is a big part of staying healthy while our systems adjust to being back in school, please do your part by using soap, and saying your ABC’s while you scrub! I am glad to see you all again, and look forward to a healthy year for all!.