This week in Preschool worked on 1 to 1 counting, rhyming words, and some nursery rhymes. We also practiced using our words to ask for turns, waiting patiently, and helping friends with difficult tasks.
We read: Hickory Dickory Dock Eight Silly Monkeys

Kindergarten has been learning that words have power this week. We read the book “Each Kindness” by Jacqueline Woodson and learned how our words effect the hearts of others in a group experiment. We passed around a paper heart and either said mean things or made mean faces at the heart while crunching the paper. When finished the heart was in bad shape! We then each apologized and smoothed out a part of the heart. The children were surprised to learn that saying your sorry doesn’t fix all of the damage our meanness does, the heart still had marks from our meanness!

First Grade
This week in 1st grade we explored different ways to get along. We acted out different situations, and found solutions to those problems. 1st graders learned some like skills this week on how to be problem solvers, and how to get along with others around them. These will help us be great friends inside and outside of school!
1st graders learned how to be problem-solvers in math by noticing and being curious, asking the right questions and grouping similarities. Also, our new math curriculum allows to make connections with the jobs in our RIASEC codes!
2). We learned about rules at school for children and also, city laws for adults in our new social studies curriculum.
3). We’re continuing to expand upon main ideas and details in our reading curriculum plus we’ve been using that concept in our read-aloud, Charlotte’s Web.

2nd Grade
The second grade students are working hard on identifying character traits from stories. They are also working on phonics. Social Studies consisted of map reading and discussing our families.

Third Graders
In third grade this week we are continuing our RACE writing unit. Students are learning to cite text evidence to help them support their answer in a writing prompt. In math we are continuing to practice telling time and starting to learn how to show elapsed time on a number line. Students have been updating their RIASEC scores in BEABLE and soon we will be discussing in detail what those scores mean and start learning about different careers for each of the letters in RIASEC.

Fourth Grade
With cooler weather approaching, our 4th grade ELA classroom has begun to cozy up to the smallest units of sound that have meaning…THAT’S RIGHT, MORPHEMES!!! As we work to create our Interactive Reading Notebooks, students have been discovering new concepts through meaningful crafts, graphic organizers, drawings & even putting our words into motion! Latin base words are coming alive before our eyes and helping us to create newer pathways to comprehension.
Fourth grade mathematicians finished their place value unit this week. During the week, they used number cards to make multi-digit numbers and compare those numbers. They also had many different Roll and Write activities they could complete as part of their math menu.

Fifth Grade
This week in 5th grade reading we focused on writing summaries of fiction texts using the SSWBST (someone, somewhere, wanted, but, so, then) strategy. We found out that using this strategy really helped us to identify the parts of the story that need to be included in a good summary.
We were reintroduced to Beable this week. We learned what the program is all about and how it can help improve our reading as we read articles of interest and career possibilities. We updated our interests survey and our avatars.
We keep commenting on how fast the school year is going! That must mean we are having fun
This week in math we finished up our volume unit. We are beginning our place value unit. We will spend a couple weeks reviewing place value and learning about powers of 10.
In social studies, we are learning our states and capitals and working on our physical maps of the United States.
I have put links to some states and capitals games on Canvas that the students can access from home to help them learn them.
Enjoy your long weekend!

Kindergarten – This week in science we learned more about what a scientist is and does. We now know that we, the kindergarteners, are scientists. We began to look at animals that have special characteristics and traits.
1st Grade – 1st graders now know what it means to be a scientist. This week we began a unit called “Animal Superpowers”. During this unit we will learn about animal traits and survival. We will also learn about parent and offspring traits. This week we spent time comparing baby animals to parent animals.
2nd Grade – This week we finished our wax experiment and now we all know that we all can be scientists. This week we also started our animal adventures unit, where we will learn about animal adaptations.
3rd Grade – This week 3rd graders began our unit called “Animals through time”. This week we went on a model fossil dig. We began to learn about fossils and what they tell us about how the environment has changed over time.
4th Grade – This week 4th graders began to learn about heredity and traits. Students also learned about selection and how people use it to help our world. For example, farmers use selection and heredity to end up with cows that produce more milk. Selection is used to help us have new breeds of animals. Students finished studying Lizard Island, where they learned that selection can happen without people doing the selecting.
5th Grade – This week we began our unit called “The Web of Life”. We played a game called eat or be eaten, where students learned about food chains. Students learned about different animals and how they rely on other animals and plants to survive. We began to learn about ecosystems and what both plants and animals need in an ecosystem in order to survive. We will continue to learn about ecosystems, animals, and the web of life next week

Physical Education
PE we have been working on cooperative team work games and our daily workout starts each PE class.

School Nurse
Hello Everyone! It has been a great start to the year! Here is some information from the health office this week. The “back to school germs” are back, and the extreme heat is not helping. Lets please make sure our students are staying hydrated, eating healthy, and getting a good amount of sleep at night. This will help our immune systems stay strong and fight away any germs we contact. Students, washing our hands is a big part of staying healthy while our systems adjust to being back in school, please do your part by using soap, and saying your ABC’s while you scrub! I am glad to see you all again, and look forward to a healthy year for all!.