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Pictures This week in Preschool we started a study of all things Spring. We learned about the water cycle, different types of precipitation, rainbows and how they’re created, and how rain helps all living things on Earth. We are working on name writing, letters P and Q, counting one to one, making patterns, and creative watercolor art. We choose to have fun with learning our alphabet. This song is catchy and gets our bodies moving. In Preschool we believe strongly in the connection of body movement and brain development coinciding. We learned that big feelings are completely normal, and like waves they come and go. We spoke about how it’s ok to miss Mom and Dad, and we get to enjoy one another all day. Mom and Dad always come back.
Pretend play is wonderful practice in learning social norms, speaking of things relative to our lives, and building strong bonds.


 The Kindergarten students have been working hard on their final project of their nonfiction writing unit by writing and illustrating their favorite recipes. The final drafts of the class books have been sent to the publisher!

First Grade

First grade had a busy week! We learned about spring and what changes come with the season. We looked at changes outside, and reflected on what we saw. Spring is a great time to talk about the changes we notice outside, and in our own lives! It is a great time to reset. Mrs. Morgan also showed the class a video of her baby chicks, and we discovered a little about how chicks change as well. We also did a lot of work this week on responsibilities, and what that means at school and at home. They are also putting in serious effort to level up in reading levels every day! First grade deserves a break this weekend, as they have worked so hard this week!! 

Second Grade

This week in 2nd grade at VBE, we practiced silent e spelling rules in language arts, continued to use new (and old) strategies to subtract two-digit numbers, and began writing an introduction for our opinion essays. Wow!

We have also been practicing Yoga regularly using Go Noodle videos! As far as new and exciting activities, we started planning our “Starbooks Cafe” library and created a classroom jobs chart too!

Stay tuned for NEW additions to our café along with coffee baristas and patrons relaxing with a book. 

Third Grade

In 3rd grade this week we have been working with money.  We have played some fun games and are feeling more confident in using this skill in real life!  In writing we have been finishing up our information writing essays.  To help prepare us for ILEARN, we took two sources about being an astronaut, took notes, created an outline, wrote a 5 paragraph informational essay and typed it.  We have also been practicing contractions, we’re getting quite good at them!  

We have also been digging deeper into each of our personal RIASEC scores.  We are starting to become more aware of how that score reflects who we are, our interests and how to make choices in class and for the future based on what we have discovered.

Fourth Grade

Fourth grade mathematicians are learning all about fractions as they learn to convert fractions to common denominators and make comparisons between fractions. They are also reviewing each day to help prepare for ILEARN testing. On Thursday, students completed a task card challenge about math vocabulary. An important part of preparing for any test is making sure vocabulary words are understood. Students rotated through the task cards reviewing words like addends, quotient, least common multiple, and factor. 

The fourth grade has been very busy in ELA. We spent some time exploring Figurative Language. We really focused on Simile, Metaphor, and Personification. We spent some time dissecting quotes from Tuck Everlasting and then determined which figurative language piece it was representing. Fourth Graders also looked at a variety of prompts and determined what the prompt was asking for. They picked from opinion, informative, or narrative. Once that choice was made they had to match which outline strategy they would use. At the end of the week, they were presented with a prompt and corresponding articles. They planned and drafted a 5 paragraph informational essay in one day! 

Fifth Grade

In fifth grade math this week we have subtracted fractions, subtracted mixed numbers, and multiples fractions! The students have done very well with all three! Next week we are going to multiply fractions with visual models.

In social studies, we are working our way through our JA Biztown curriculum. The students have learned a lot of practical information over the last several weeks. This week we have learned a lot of new vocabulary related to businesses. And, we have spent some time talking about the process one goes through to get a job! Yesterday the students filled out job applications! We will interview for our Biztown jobs on Monday!
On a side note, if you are joining us on our Biztown field trip, please complete your paperwork as soon as possible. Thank you!


Kindergarten – Students continued their weather log this week that we will continue to fill out over the couple weeks to document the weather. Students also learned more about the different seasons, including how to tell them apart and in which order they go. Students are now better able to identify and describe the seasons along with signs to look for to identify each season.

1st Grade – This week students learned about digital citizenship. This is important for students to learn at an early age as they will be using more and more technology in school and being online as they get older. Students got to meet 6 fun characters this week. Their names are Arms, Guts, Legs, Feet, Heart, and Head.  Each character is related to some facet of digital citizenship and digital safety. Students learned about balancing technology (not using it too much), online safety and information protection, digital footprints, safe sites, parent permission, and safe ways of thinking online. 

2nd Grade – This week we continued our unit called “The Work of Water”. Students continued learning about water and how it works and how it affects us and the world we live in. Students learned, through investigation, that rivers and creeks start in high places, such as mountains and hills. Students also learned how water can help break down rock. The students ended the week trying to figure out how sand gets on the beach. Next week they will finish their investigation to answer this question.

3rd Grade – This week students took a test to show what they learned about sound the week before. We began a unit this week called “The Power of Flowers”. This is a unit where students will learn about plants, flowers, and fruits. Students will also learn about pollinators such as honey bees and how they help us and plants. We finished the week with students sharing the first part of their KWL charts. Students shared what they already know about plants and questions about what they want to know about plants.

4th Grade – This week we continued to learn about simple machines and how they make work easier. This week we learned about 6 simple machines, how they work, and how they are useful. We also learned how to describe and identify simple machines. Students also got to take part in building and interacting with simple machines. We finished the week exploring compound machines.

5th Grade – This week we continued our unit called ” Spaceship earth”, which deals with our planet and the solar system and how the earth interacts with other components in the solar system. This week we conducted investigations to learn more about how the earth and sun interact with each other. We also were able to calculate how fast the earth is spinning all the time and how the earth’s spin creates how the sun looks to us here on earth. We finished the week learning how the sun helps us determine our days and times. We learned how early people told time before there were clocks.

School Nurse

The Mobile Dentist is coming back to Van Buren! Please remember to complete your registration paper and send it back to the school. These are due in by Feb 20th.
This week the Health Room has started seeing the stomach bug. This is not uncommon for this time of year, however it’s never a fun experience. Remember to keep hydrated, popsicles are a good way to rehydrate gently. We do ask that the students be vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school, this will help reduce the spread.
Please remind student to wash their hands often.