Week of December 9, 2024
Learning to play with others is hard work. Now it is time to pack up for home.

The kindergarten students learned about Christmas celebrations from around the world this week. They also enjoyed eating candy canes.

First Grade
Learning about animals while learning to read.

Second Grade
Reading a book about the holidays and getting into the holiday spirit. Breaking down words to find meaning and new words.

Third Grade
Third graders worked in small groups on Native American Projects. Each group were assigned a tribe that lived in our region. They researched and then presented the information to the class.

Fourth Grade
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…in 4th grade. We are getting into the Christmas spirit with My Pet Reindeer writing assignments, stocking decorating, and more. Also, we are still rockin’ those math facts each day and passing on to new levels.

Fifth Grade
The 4th and 5th grade classrooms had a wonderful time at Buskirk-Chumley watching The Wizard of Oz!

Kindergarteners built their own painting tools this week. This was a follow up on our structure and function unit. Students picked out something they wanted to paint, then they designed and built a new painting tool to help them paint their desired painting more easily. Students loved this activity and they really were able to hone in on their kindergarten engineering skills.
5th Grade finished up their mechanical testing unit this week. Groups took their created mechanical testing procedure along with instructions and shared them with other groups for testing. Then each group shared a reflection on the mechanical testing the other group created. The students really got to enjoy the fruits of their hard work being 5th grade mechanical engineers.
STEM Student of the week: Grissom Underwood