March 31, 2023

Preschool Preschool blog post: Happy Spring, everyone!  Preschool came back from break well rested and ready for a wonderful last few weeks of school.  It’s so hard to believe we’re talking kindergarten and summer break already.  I remember when these were the faces that greeted me.  Now I’ve got big kids all around! Can you image what a few more …

March 31, 2023

Sprunica’s Art Show All students, Kindergarten-Fifth Grade, had a piece of art hanging up in our Art Show on Monday, March 27. We had a great turnout and there were some absolutely amazing pieces! Thanks to Mrs. Schwenk for organizing such a wonderful event to showcase the many talents of Sprunica students! RIASEC Question of the Week “What do others …


Preschool The Good Egg Kindergarten The kiddos in room 200 have been comparing and contrasting children’s lives in the past and present during literacy this week. Today they experienced writing with quill pens and ink. This week room 200 has been diving deeper into the World of Work to discover our own RIASEC letters. The students took a survey to …

March 10, 2023

Preschool Our preschoolers enjoyed some extra pampering this week and loved hanging out with Mrs. Bruner at our slushie party! Of course we’re getting ready for spring break but not before hanging our shamrocks and learning all about leprechauns. We’ve made the cute little green guys part of our study on fact versus fiction and we’ve even written a book …

March 10, 2023

Third Graders took the IREAD assessment this week! … And they did an amazing job!! They received words of encouragement each morning and did their best. We are so proud of them! RIASEC Question of the Week “What do you see when you daydream?” Big Wood’s Reading in the Woods Program We are so grateful to be participating in the …


Preschool This week in Preschool, the students continued their study of the ocean and the creatures that live in it. The class discussed their favorite ocean animals, what they eat, that a group of fish Is called a school of fish, (just like where we are!) and how some creatures have special features like lights to help them see or …

March 3, 2023

Preschool Outside in just a light jacket on the first day of March? Sign us up! HES preschoolers love having fun and we’re ready to ditch the gym and welcome Spring (in eighteen days but who’s counting)!? We’re decking the halls with all things shamrock this week and learning about how things outside our windows are starting to change from …

March 3, 2023

Way to go Sloan! Five counties, and 20 spellers, competed in the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee in Bloomington, Indiana on Saturday, February 25th. Sloan Eddins represented us and placed 10th! Way to go, Sloan!! RIASEC Question of the Week “If you could be any character in a book, who would you be, and why?” ISM STEAM Field Trip:  This week, …