November 10, 2023

Another wonderful week at Sprunica Elementary! Mr. Killinger has been surprising the staff by taking on some of their duties, which has been a great surprise and delight! The students are working hard, and have been enjoying the beautiful weather outside! We are gearing up for many exciting things next week! On Monday, our Spell Bowl team has their competition! …

November 10, 2023

The Veterans Day program at BCHS is always a special day on our calendar. Your Link to View BCHS Athletics Winter Sports are starting. Use this link to view basketball games this season!


Preschool Prek is loving the beautiful weather!  Kindergarten The Kindergarten kiddos hit the STEM lab and got their creative juices flowing to build their own toys out of recycled materials to celebrate reaching their 1000 book class reading goal. They had a blast and did an amazing job! First Grade 1st grade filled their Star Jar for positive choices and …

November 10, 2023

Preschool Preschool always has fun! Kindergarten We had another amazing week in kindergarten!  We enjoyed having everyone join us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon on Wednesday.  This is always such a special event!  Please check out the photos from this week!  1st grade First graders learned how to play my favorite math game, BUMP. We practiced our doubles facts with it. …

November 6, 2023

Halloween at BCHS! Your Link to View BCHS Athletics Winter Sports are starting. Use this link to view basketball games this season!

November 3, 2023

Amazing Things That Happened This Week: Our Walkathon Costume Parade was a hit! Our students and staff had such creative costumes! Ted-Ed Clubs started last week! The group had a great time getting to know each other and communicating what they are passionate about. The top two walkathon earners from each class got to travel to Casa Del Sol via …

November 3, 2023

Preschool We’re getting the sugar flowing early here in Pre-K. Thank you, Hudson, for hosting a great party! Kindergarten This week has been a BLAST in kindergarten!  We have enjoyed the school Halloween parade and our classroom party.  Please check out the photos from this week! 1st grade On Halloween, first graders solved a math mystery. Someone stole our bag …


Preschool We have been celebrating Fall in prek!  Kindergarten This week in Kindergarten we are learning what authors do. We are working on our first writing piece that includes words! First Grade 1st grade Wildcats learned about adjectives this week! They chose 5 awesome adjectives to describe their spider that will help them write descriptive sentences. Some of them sound …


Preschool This week in Preschool we continued our study of all things Fall, as well as a concentrated focus on the color red and our Alphabet letters. We read “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”, learned the song, and then created our own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees. We’ve enjoyed the gorgeous weather and will continue to build on our social skills. …

October 27, 2023

Preschool Pre-K had a big week this week celebrating community helpers with visits from mechanic extraordinaire Mr. Stinson and firefighter Mr. Knotts. We also had a lot of fun celebrating Lenora’s 5th birthday with a cupcake party! Kindergarten This week we enjoyed talking in front of our classmates during show and tell.  We also enjoyed celebrating our friends at the …